HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-1931
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Minutes of a eegular meeting of the City counoil held Apr.6th,I93I.
Meeting oalled to order by the Pres.at 8pm.
All members present except Windham.
Mayor clerk and marshal present.
Minutes read and approved.
Bill s:
Motion Slone second Flewelling pay W.G.Lbr Co amd monthly salaries.
Motion Slone second Flewelling accept jail bldg and instruot olerk
pay balanoe of contract price,also takaxx..z.xaiXFXa&Bx pay plumbing
when work is oompleted.
Motion Slone second Flewelling hire Mr Argo to oonstruot septic tank
for jail.
Motion Argo second Slone instruot Ma,or and Marshal inspeot any
septic tank,about whioh oomplalnt is made, and condemn when necessary.
Motion Argo second Flewelling hire Mr. Mills to paint outside of jail
bldg and apply fifty per oent of amount of labor on water bills
owed by Mr.Mills also insruot marshal paint interior of bldg.
Mr. Argo suggested oommittee be appointed to purchase furnishings
for j ai 1 .
President appointed MR. Slone and Mr.Flewelling on this committee.
Motion Argo seoond Slone instruot street committee take necessary
action r~garding dangerous oondition of oertain trees along streets.
-...Votion Argo seoond Slone have Mayor investigate Mr.Bi8elows offer
of trees.
Motion Argo second Slone reduoe resident physicians lioense to
ten dollars($IO.OO) per' year.
There being no further business the oounoil. adjourned at IO.IOPM.
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