HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-1931 r. -~. _, 'e~ OITY OF OCOEE O' .J ~ IN THE HEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OcOEE. FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council held Oct.I9,I93I. All members present except Robberapn and Beltz. Mayor,Clerk and Marshal present. Motion Argo second Windham instruct Marshal collect water rent from P.B.Clark apartment. Rep!'rts; Mr'yor reports aquaai tion of list of names of property owners excluded from City and reports employment of Att'y Harris . to represent City in Federal Court. Motion Ar~o second Windham allthorize Clerk pay Att'y Harris. Motion Argo second Windham instruct clerk order st~eet signs. There being no further business the At"'ejt \. I "'~r y.[L'- /, Clerk. Council adjourned at 9PM. 4-Jjf Ii 0 I 4 J preeile~~ ..... -I - ~.. ~ ..,. ',' ..~ /'- .... ei e CITY OF OCOEE IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OcOEE. FLORIDA .........NOTICE.......... ALL PERSONS HAVING COMPLAINTS TO MAlt'E !EGAlmING AMOnT OF TAX ASSESSUENT FOR THE RAft NINETEEN THIRTY ONE ARE ADVISED TO ATTEND THE !tEGULAR MEETING or TEE CITY OOUNCIL TO BE HELD OCTOBER FIFTH NINETEEN THIRTY OREIAT THE CITY HALL. THE COUNCIL WILL BEAR CSMPLAINTS OF THIS NATURE AT THAT TIME. ,J . R.A.SIMSJ CITY OLmI. --- ... .- ~