HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1933 .I MAYOR "ciTY OF OCOEE" r' . ,E. A. Murray .' ~ERK. TREAS. R. A. Slm. "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" COUNCILMEN I. M. Arllo H. R. Beltz I. I. Robertlon L. C. Windham H. B. Flewelllnll '" Uinutcl3 of a rOf!,lllll.r mooting of the COU}.1C il hGld Jal'l.16,1933. Kooting c~llad to order by Prca at 8pm. All momborli3 prceont,m~.yor clQrk and marsahil.l pr013Cllt. Unfi:w biz: ~otio~.rindham Qccond Boltz accept resignation of Cou~cilm&n J.. rgo , :Iotior:. B~ltz eCC0110. Windhl),n~ appoillt I.ir.R J Mobley to fill Mr.Argols uno"""Pircd tCl"I!l. Mr.Mobl~y eworn in by l[ayor. NGVI Biz: Ur.R F Whit~kcr preout and requested reduction in ,~ter rate. RQqucot roforrcd to ~.tQr committee for conBidcratio~. There bci~g no further bUli3incos the council adjourned at 9,30pm. \. ,~\ AI?ltJ~ ~~ CIQrk. ~~~fJf. 4m- - ~". . .' \ "'- . -.\ . .. ~~ ~~ .' ,:~~~f" ~~i~;~~-~ ,"')' ~.,::~;~"Yl~..~ ~~~: ~ t._liff~~~l~_~_-- 40 "01-.11 ew~r . ,>>, I ..111 np~rt.'l'Ok3t atld 4"~i the COl1~tl tutlOJl ad CIoye:aaeat "r tAl1i Un1 '.4 Stat.. and of 'b.~ State ,of r~or1~.~~ln.' ~11 sa..l..,do...tle a.4. to~1r,a. f 3_,4 ,bat I _111 b-.r "1\1. fal'k,l.o1&l",. &.~ 611ea1&n.. \-. t.he ....and t.~' . I ... a11tled to bold. offloe 1:;&d.wr ~ _'UuUOS\~ \'h 11 ,I~l tal \htul.lJ' perfQ~ all .4uU.." ot ".., 01'1'100 of( ~<.-v-<A.. ). 7} "'--' ~/ ._ I --- vv~ r wV- of 'be Oi.'\i1 of OtX)&e.F\fl..on ",hich I &m a,bout tiel .,.Mr. s. _11' .. God. Qa.th tatum ~/Id~ IT . _ <7 4~ , J .-- -.. be1'or.. '" thll1/-L--. of d1'~ :J:(~~ I ~(/.f7 j. . .......,r..,' 1.1' ~ ~ > - <'1~~ >!--~ '''1'''~ ~ . "S", . "" :,-J~----~~- .. ft l \......; ,.) '-'?;:><j G ~. .; ~ I...fl../A_Jl-1L_ . / If ~, I ,.,111 AQfFOr\.Pl'Ot,.,#t ~~ . v , " ~~ 00 olo'.nly ~w'\' r ....;. dot<mJ. th~ Con-uti tut101l "-;,t. f ttn4 Qoyn~' of 'h~ tTn1 'a.1 St'- toe [.i; nd or till"" St!:' to of noJ'1..Q.~1nlJt ~.11 ~1~. iOmt')utlo "ndt'orI')1~. ':'.t.nd that i will 'bor'.r tmr; t".i.lth.loyalty ~nd 11otl1''''llOO to tha "~rno,=-nG, t~t I &In ootltlo.! t\ Hcl.i ot:1"t\' \$ldOr tho aort.!lU ttd 1 OIU fh t I .t}ti.l r"l t.~i'uUy })c-ri',)rii1 all l , Gatt 'tt\ keY"! l)~.rr; M nt) ~)I ) If )/- /}l~ j l~ ./ /, 'thlo LftXtt. of.;; ..:::;.; I I . I 1 I 'f ~ 1- ~. 1- I ~ L ! r ,I r: t, ~;. k I ~tlo. of th~ oftloo of ' ... r l, I."',.. ~ "'-'" "," J <"~ .' \",...( ~ "'-~ . ..... . of tho 01 t11 of OooM. 11;'\ .on "'auv". I am [. 1>>1'1. to onMr, . So b~ 11' rn-~ (b(t. ..r ,..t.t. , ,. ~t:~:: ~ R~" . ~l" ~'f;, {:-:-~- . ~ .Yt:.t~~~::t . Br . (/ C · a rr ~ '---, '~9---- to .- ~.. --.?- ~ " \ " . \ ~. ,. ; o. r;," ~" I' " ~, " re" , ., . -.- - .------- ..~ --- -....... ~ ...,.~ -- .'. . ~ ,,~, ~ ,f~~.' ~ 1,- ..:-_:;__:.t..,.';L-..__L..i.__t..tJ1J-~--- do solemnly swear " /i th9:tlI will support,proteot and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Flori~,against all enemies,domestio and foreign, and that I will bear true faith,loyalty and allegia.nce to the sa.me,and that I am entitled 'to hold office under J the oonst1tut10n: That I ~l fa1thfully psrform all dut1es of ths offioe of ~J -7/Lt~(.~ of the City of Ocoee,Fla..on which I am about to en..r, . So help me God. ~ . , j Oath taken before me ,')/~1t' !dJ:O~l&ttft // , 't thi,f L,t ~; of/it /' , I93~ t .~/ f r:. ~~\ -- MaYo~~ "'~<::" _"-t1..,.___~. \.~;~~~*~>