HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-1933 MAYOR '.C'ITY OF OCOEEe COUNCILMES ~ A. Murray CLERK. TREAS. R. A. Slmo "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" ]. M. Arllo H. R. Belu ].]. Robertlon L. C. Windham H. B. Flewellloll ~ Minutes of a regular meeting held May lst,1933. Meeting oalled to order by Pres at 8pm. All members present except Mobley. Mayor olerk and marshal present. Minutes read and approved. ' Motion Beltz seoond Wind4am pay bills of Windham and Kerr. Ordinanoe number 44 read. Motion Beltz seoond Windham approve Ord 44. Motion Windham seoond Beltz reduoe domestio.oonsumer water rates 25; per month apd 1Bstall meters where neoessary. Motion Beltz second Windham install neoessary cutoffs. Motion Beltz second Windham amend Ord # 8 to read as follows: Dealers in a~ooholio beverages of not more than 3.2 alooholio oontent shall pay a license fee of $3.75 per year. There being no further business the Counoil adjourned at 9.30pm. At1f& })~' .... Clerk. &~f~t~ , , I ) /1'--..... I ~.., L