HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1934 i I i MAYOR' E. A. Murray "'- J. ,.CLERK. TREAS. R. A. Sims >, .-. .cI~Y OF OcOE'. "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" ******NOTICE******. YOUR ATTENTIDON IS HEREBY CALLED TO THE FACT THE CITY REGISTRATION BOOK IS NOW OPEN FOR . REGISTERtNG ANY PERSONS WHO MAY WISH TO QUALIFY FOR THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD TUESDAY NOVEMBER SIXTH NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR. BOOK WILL BE OPEN AT THE OCOEE GARAGE FOR THIS SERVICE. DO NOT FAIL TO REGISTER. ELECTION NOVEMBER 6th,1934. R.A.Sims, Ci ty clerk. e~_ " 11 , COUNclLMEN . J. M. Aqo H. R. Beltz J. J. Robertson L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewellinll MAYOR \E. A. Murray ..Kr.~K . TREAS. R. A. Sims .cI~Y OF OcOEE.' COUNCILMEN "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" J. M. ArllO H. R. Beltz J. J. Robertson L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewelllnll ****MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION*****. THIS IS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THE REGULAR ELECTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA:WILL BE 'HELD AT THE CITY HALL ,: ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER, NAMELY TUESDAY NOVEMBER SIXTH, NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR,AT WHICH TIME THERE WILL BE ELECTED THE FOLLOWING: THREE COUNCILMEN FOR THE TERM OF TWO YEARS. " , REGISTRATION BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN AND ALL WHO DESIRE TO QUALIFY FOR ABOVE ELECTION SHOULD REGISTER AT ONCE. . .;., ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE REGISTERED ANn CAN PRESENT':THEIR ' I 1932 AND 1933 POLL TAX RECEIPTS WILL BE'ENTITLEDTO' . h. , ".",., ''- VOTE IN ABOVE ELECTION. THE FOLLOWING ARE HEREBY APPOINTED TO ACT AS rNSPECTORS AND CLERK. .. t .. " ,. R.A.SIMS, CLERK. E.A.MURRAY, MAYOR. o~/_ -*' MAYOR .cI~Y OF OcOEE.' . ifC~ERK. TREAS. · R. A. Sims "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" COUNCILMEN J. M. Aqo H. R. Beltz J. J. Robertson L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewelllnll E. A. Murray ." .. Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held Oct.l,1934. Meeting called to order by the Pres at 7.30pm. All members ppesent except Sheppard.Mayor clerk and marshal present. Yinutes of previoos me~ting read and tabled. Mr Chicone present and discussed with Council, situation surrounding water bonds of the City of ocoee.Mr Chicone requested agreoment with Council for City to purchase bonds and coupons of water bonds with funds now on deposit in interest and sinking funds,provided; Smith Kinney Co., who now own water bonds,would release funds impounded in interest and sinking accounts. /.... '" Motion Beltz second Windham authorize clerk purchase water bonds and cftyPons of water bonds with funds of the interest and sinking /' accounts when same are legally released. . Mr Chfcone also asked council to maKe concessions on delinquent 1933 taxes by accepting bonds and part- cash. Motion Beltz second Flewelling accept 12 mills caBhand 22 mills bonds on all delinquent 1933 taxes. There being no further business Council proceeded with the annual revision of the registration book,removing certain names as noted in registration book. No further busiBess the Council adjourned at 9.30PM Attest~~~~ ' /Cie~. President. /' /&- '~."'t ~d0a