HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-1935 rv- 11 .; . .' .. I '"' ..--::; ,,- '"\......, ,,,-, ~'inutesof a regular meeting of the City Council he~d April 1,1935. Veeting called to order by the Pres at 8pm. All members present except Graves. ~ayor clerk and marsal present. ~inutes read and approved. Bills and communications; ~'otion Windham second Kerr pay bills-i. e. Winter Garden Lbr Co. Clerk reports price on fence. Council decided to postpone purchase of fence. New Biz; ~rotion Kerr second Winfiharn ascertain status of taxes on city hall and fire house(state and County~. Council discussed advisability of replacing wooden bridge aver drainage ditch at Peacocks with dDncrete tile.1.f.atter left with street committee for final dis~$ion. j"otion Windham second Kerr instruct clerk purchase one water bond at $300. 00 ~ Mayor instructed to see City Attorney regarding stopp~ng of unnecessary noises after 10pm. 1fotion Verr second windham authorize chairman to call ~!r F'renEh immediately afetr adjournment requesting appointment of }~ Ford as F F. R A foreman in Mr Croziers place. :::::~~~8oJi~r businessthe council adjournnd at 9.30pm. 1\~lerk. President. "- ~ ,- --