HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter to the Council 1935 ~ e e LESTER HARRIS LA WYER xx"v"v~~",rv;r, ~~tQ:Jl~ City mayor and the Council; The Brown Crummer case was decided against rlammond this morning. So that nOVl the case stands as follows; The Brown Crummer,00mpany,in the former case has a tax levy against Ocoee,of seven mills and in th~t case we were ordered to levy and assess the seven mills ag~in8t all the property in the city and the pwoperty th3t went out. But @Jt~e the property that went out of the city cannot be forced to make payments until,Judge Al>::erman, in the present case,decides that the Florida Supreme Court was in error in permitting the property to be withdra~~ from the limits, without paying their proper share of the city debts. So today Judge Akerman decided to overrule hammonds motion to dismiss the case brot by Brown Crummer. This ~e~ns th"!.t ~rl.!nmond must al)pear before the court within the next 60 days and show by , an answer,that his clients are not liable.Since he was overruled thi s morning, I bele i ve he will be 0 ver:ruled in his ans\ver, since his answer will include the same law he had this morning. /../ )J"A.L '~. r-- /rwV~