HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-1935 ~ l~ L.' ,. . e CITY OF OcOEE COUNCILMEN ].M.Afllo H. R. Belt. ]. ]. Robert.on L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewellinl MAYOR E. A. Murrav CLERK. TREAS. R. A. Slm. tlIn The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" J.. Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Oouncil held August 5th ~935. Meeting called to order by the President at 8:00 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Kerr.. Present Mr. Murray. Mr. Hindham, Mr. Pounds, Mr. Graves. Mr. Hryan and Mr. Flewel~ing. Minutes read and approved. .all bills were tabled on acoount of insufficient funds to pay. Move was made by Mr. Windham ~nd seoond oy Mr. Graves Lhat adopting oe made to the Uounty Road and Hridge Dept to maintain the 1/3 Mile road at North end of Bluford Avenue to City Limits. cost not to De in excess of $60.00 and actual cost to the County, Letters' of authority to ue written to County Commissioner and copy to Mr. ]'rank holland. County .l:{oad Supervisor of such action. carried. Moved by Mr. Windham and seoond oy Ur. ~leTIelling to tab~e the Hutohins petition regarding the audit of City records. All bills were tabled on aooount Qtl1n~ufficient fhnds to pay. Oounoil instruoted Mr. Hryan to/~~terO~ent or out off service There oeing not further ousiness the Oounoil adjorned 10:25 P. M. Attest :,-J~ ~, Clerk President. I fl ,".\ \~ \ \J "\ \~. . .... ./_.f~.~~_~ ",,;.n..,., ~ ~ - '"_ .0- .~..:... ..--~ ".'11._ L.;;i