HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-1935 " . . CITY OF OcOEE COUNCILMEN MAYOR /'t _ E. A. Murrav CLERK. TREAS. R. A. Slm. "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" ]. M. Arlo H. R. Beltz ]. ]. Robert.on L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewelllnl 1 J Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Gounoil held August 19,1935 Meeting called to order by the President at 8:00 E. M. All members present exoppt Mr. Kerr. M.inutes read and approved. Bills; Moved and oarried to pay Florida Public Servioe 00 $35.00 to apply on pumping bill. all other Dills tabled. Uity Attorney narris present and discussed the questions essential to oourt proceedings pertaining to Brown-Crummer case, also instruoted the council to have all cancelled Donds and coupons ~isted and ohecked oy the Mayor and Counoil. M.oved by Mr. liindham and seoond / by Mr. ~raveS to have Clerk to make necessary list of all bonds J and ooupons cancelled and burn ~ugust 20th oefore Mayor and Council. carried. J ,~ ."-....:.- Moved by Mr. "dindham and second Mr. Graves 1.0 have tire K.err to dis- oonnect water service at rear of City hall and run inside, install sink. after much discussion of many water bills no further ousiness the Council adjorned at 10:05 P. M. J ~~~r l- Cl erk Presmdent. \f ?, ~ \0J,~ ------'" -..: ~