HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-1935
]. M. ArlO
H. R. Belt.
]. ]. Robert.on
L. C. Windham
H. B. F1ewellinl
.... E. A. Murrav
"In The Heart of Orange County
The Garden Spot of Florida"
R. A. Slm.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the uity Counoil held September 16, 1936
Meeting called to order oy the Vioe-President at 8:i5 P. M.
Memb ers present, 1'Ilr. Flewelling, Mr. iHndham, Mr~ Graves, Absent I
Mr. Kerr, Mr. Pounds. - Mayor prsent - Marshall aosent.
Minutes read and approved.
~ills: moved and oarried to pay Winter Uarden Lumber 00 oil~, ~lso
bill of Mr. H. R. HeItz less nis water Dill to Ootober 1st.
Motion was Imlde and oarried to send in l;'ax statements '''0 ~~ttorney
harris to make effort to oolleot.
Mr. J. L. Mills present and asked Couno il Ii 0 make l.lim a speo ial rat e
on water to be used on ilistruok farm next 1:0 Starke Lake. the regular
oommeroial rate was more than Mr. Ivlills wants to pay, Uounoil ordered
to be tabled.
after the meeting ~he Uounoil uurned all paid and cancelled bonds
totaling $29,000.00 and all paid and canoelled ooupons totalin6
$39,105.00, this was puolished the following ~uesday in the Orlando
Morning Sentinal.
~eing no further Dusiness Council adjorned at 10130 P. M.
Prsr~ent .