HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1935 #, ~' ~ /; t\ ",-. '" MAYOR E. A. Murrav CLERK. TREAS. R. A. 51m. .CITY OF OCOEE. COUNCILMEN ]. M. Argo H. R. Belt. ].]. Robert.on L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewelllnl "In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held votober 7,1935 lleeting oalled to order by VIoe-President at 8:00 E. M. lIembers present; Hr. :Flewelling, !.ir. ..indham and Hr. J-rl:ives Absent; tir. Pounds and 11r. K.err; tray Dr , Clerk and 1~arshall present. Minutes read and approved. Dills; E~y ~lorida rress bill of $18.50 and Ocoee ~arage bill ~14.80 less their ~2.00 water rent Dill. Mr. H. M. Reeves aSked Counoil about doing away with weeds oovering sidewalks so the school children would not have to walk in the road. Council ordered stteet oommittee to engage llr. W. F. }rant with mules and mower to mowe street, carried. li~. C. B. Fielding present to inquire about the reading of his meter, Moved Kl'Inuxmntxk by I.1r. \/indh"Y:1 Bnn second by l\:r. ~raves to reduce his September bfll of_ $4.41 to ~l.25, carried. After muoh discussion of the registration books, the Council agreed to aooept it as it now stands. Being no further business Counoil adjorned at 9:40 P. M. ~~~ Clerk Pres ide nt I~ I ~~ i