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. ..._ CLERK. TREAS.
R. A. Slm.
"In The Heart of Orange County
The Garden Spot of Florida"
]. M. Argo
H. R. Belt.
]. ]. Robert.on
L. C. Windham
H. B. F1ewellinl
E. A. Murrav
Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held October 21st 1935
Meeting called to order by iresident at 8:00 E. li.
Members present, Mr. .2ounds, J.Lr. Graves, ,Ur ".findham and J.lr. Flewelling.
.Absent Mr. Kerr., uayor and r,lurshall present.
r1nutes read and approved.
Repo~ts: Mr. ~rant missunderstood about the cutting of the grass on the
streets, and would start the next day, (~uesday)
Bills: Council ordered bill of R. A. Kerr of ~8.70 be crddited of nis
water rent. ~ill for ~175.95 due the Florida .2ublic 3ervice tabled on
account of insufficient funds.
!.Ir. .iindham moved and second by hlr. Jraves to a.Jpoigt Mr. Murray and
Mr. ~. ~. Minor to get order from ~udge Smith to determine whether or
not voters on excluded prope~ty will have the right to vote in thi~ comins
City election or npt. and that the city would pay for gas to make the trip.
,_,~otion by J,ir. Flewelling and second bYl'.1.r. .Jraves not to allow anyone
~iving on exoluded property to vote in this comin~ City election without
. ...-the necessity of having 'to !Set rullings from dudg .::>mith. Unless the voter
can give openion of authority or proof that they live on property that is
not excluded from town.
Being no futher businessllJCounoil adjorned at 9:30 P. 1.1.
C Ie r k
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