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R. A. Sims
"In The Heart of Orange County
The Garden Spot of Florida"
]. M. Arlo
H. R. Belt. .
]. ]. Robert.on
L. C. Windham -
H. B. F1ewelllnl
E. A. Murrav
Minutes of 8 regalar meeting of the uity Counoil Held ~ovember 4th ~936.
Meeting oalled to order by the Presldent at 1:46 P. M.
All members present exoept Mr. Kerr. Mayor Oler~ and MarSha!t present.
Minutes read and approved.
Bllls; Motion Mr. Windham seoond Mr. Elewelllng pay bill of $2.56 to
the Winter Garden Lumber.
Reports: Cler~ reports payment of $600.00 to ~rown-Orummer Co,.
on Federal J~dgment.
Unfinished Euslness: Mr. ~. A. Minor brought ~p the subjeot of registration
of those who expeot to vote iu ooming Gity eleotion ~ovember 6th, and
that of removing aames of those who bave died and moved from the City
from the registration book., Mr. Minor Deing a oandid8te lor Mayor
suggested to the vounol!, as far aa he was oonserned, to let those
names furnipshed from the vounty Registration Offioe have the right
to vote. Mr. Murray and other oandidates for the mayors offioe and
oandidates for Oity Oounoil, aooepted the suggestion of Mr. Minor.
this was agreed by all oonoerned, ao as to not have any hereafter.
Mr. Minor further asked if anyone oould oall any names that were out
of the Oity to do so, then have them erased and not be given the right
to vote. Mr. Graves moved and seoond by Mr. Flewe~ing to aooept the
names furnished by the Oounty Registrat ion offioe,t,~ub.Jeo~, ..>to some' names
be ohallanged on any grounds that any Oitizen asy see fit. '
Mr. R. O. Bigelow stated that after this eleotion he intends to produoe
the nSmes of all those that were finally exoluded from the Oity. Mr. Minor
asked that this be done. The reply was,that this oould not be done without
estra oost. Mr Bigelow asked the Oounoil to oomply With the minutes of
the meeting of Ootober 7th, whioh was not to let anyone living on ex-
oluded property vote in this eleation. .
New Business: Moved by Mr. Flewelling and seaond by Mr. Graves that the
Oity pay for the 11ghts in Oounail room.
Being no further business
Motion by Mr. Flewelling and seaond oy Mr. Graves that the Counail
adjmrn. 'at .;36 P. M.