HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1935 SS MAYOR E. A. Murrav CLERK. TREAS. R. A. Slm. ,:- I ~ ~, ,.,:T .'CITY OF OCOEEe ttIn The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" *******n 0 TIC E ******** YOUR .AT~'ENT iON 1.) EI...ilillY 0.c..LJ.JID Il'O THE :'l..CT THE CITY REGISTRATION rlOOK IS NO'.? OPEN JfOR nEGIS~EHING ANY PE.aSONS WHO liliY DESLIE TO ~U.I....uLl'Y ..h\h{ THE REJULAR CITY E.LECTION T0 BE HELD TUE31AY NOVIDJBER FIFTH NINETEEN HUIIDRED THIRTY FIVE. DOOK \I!LL BE OPEN AT THE CITY HALL FOR THIS SEHVICE. DO NOT FAIL Tv ~GISTER. ELECTIuN NOvm~Bllil 5TH, 1935 .1. H. W11 RS T, J.d., City Clerk. COUNCILMEN ]. M. ArlO H. R. Belu ]. ]. Robert.on L. C. Windham H. B. F1ewelllnl ~ ---.J :... e ,e " Beoord of votes oast 1n the City eleot10n of November 5th 1935. Votes oast for Mayor. B. C. Bigelow 14. B. A. Minor 56 E. A. Mnrray 101 Votes oast for Connoilman for the unexpired term of one year. J. W. Graves 95 H. I. Porter 69 Votes oaet for Uonnoilmen for the term of two ,ears. V. w. Argo H. R. Beltz H. B. Flewelling P. P. Ford J. L. Mille J. w. Moon M. C. Reeves J. J. Vandergrift ,) L. c. Windham Votes thrown out Total votes oast 6 39 41 '/ 56 14 27 ./ 60 ' " 12 V' 51. 1'13 We, the nndersigned, 1nspeotors and olerk, of the Citr eleotion of the City of Oooee, Florida, held at Oooee, Florida, November 5th, 1936, hereby eertify that the above etatemeDt of votes oast is trne and oorreot, and is in striot aooordanoe with onr tally and oonnt. 7.7 (J'~ ~ .d # -nspeotorso. ~~ ~~ '// r e~. Dated this the fifth day of November, ~ineteen Hundred Thirty Five. .....,