HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-1935 'J o .. e. e: I, 7Jt. e., ,~ dO solemnl, swear (or a~f1~) that 1 w1l1 support, proleot and defend the Oon8t1t~l1oD and government of the Un1ted 5tates and o f the State of ~10r1~ again.t all enemies, domest1o or foreign, and that 1 w11l bear true faith, lopalt, and allegianoe to the same, and that 1 am entitled to hold offioe under the Oonstitution: that 1 will faithfUll, pertoN all the duties of the of'fioe of OOW1oilman of' the 01t, of' Oooee, on whloh 1 am about to enter, 50 help me God. ~/ ~~ ~J~ ,~ ..- e . i'~ I, //?~ do solemnly swear (Dr affirm) that 1 will support, protect and defend the Const1t~tioD and government of the United States and o f the State of ~lor1da against all enemies, domestio or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and ~legianoe to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offioe under the Oonstitution; that 1 will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Councilman of the Oity of Oooee, on whioh I am about to enter, So help me God. -\ ~/ ~? ~crd- ---- ~, .. -" E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . . W. H. WURST. JR. CLERK AND TRI!:AS. " . CIITY OF O><COJl1~J:':: ORANGE COUNTY OCO!l<;E. I"~A}lR](nA Minutes of 8. regular weetiug of the l.ii1i;y l.iouncil held l'iovemoer18th .L~.,6. Meeting C8.~led ~o order oy Preeldent at 7:35 P. M. All wemoers present except Mr. Kerr aud Mr. Flewelling Mayor Cler~ and warsnal preseut. Minutes read and approved. Move oy Mr. Graves second b;y Mr. Windham to pay Cle~ks for Oity election held ~ovember 5th $2.00 each and Oonstable $2.50. All bills tabled. Council voted to hold the 1936 mi~~age at ~2 mills. ~ ~aY9r 6Worn in new Counoilmen. . ~ft' and oe<lond by /dr. Windham to adjorn ?:45 P. iol. / ~~ Cler~ President. ~ .......