HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-1935 -~ ---~~-~- - E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . .e W. H. WURST, JR. CLIERK AND TRKAS. CITY OF OCOEit~ ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FJI..ORInA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Oounoil held Deoemoer 16,1935. Meeting oalled to order by Ohairman Beeves at 7:30 E. M. All members present exoept Mr. Kerr, Mayor Olerk and Marshal present. Minutes read and approved. Mrs. M. F. Maguire again present to ask Counoil to reduoe ~lauation on her Oity property, Mr. Pounds moved to table this until Counoil met with others to disouss the reduotion of other valaations. Dr Soott present to disouss his water bill, ~r. Graves moved and seoond by Mr. Ford to oanoel1 allover the minimum of Dr Sootts bill on aooount of being the Oity dootor and due to the ohairity work that he does not get pay. oarried. Mr. B. M. Heeves asked Oounoil about oulberts for fill at pond South- west of town, after giving prioe of tile, Mr. Pounds moved and seoond oy Mr. Graves to authorize Mr. Reeves to purohase 26 feet of eight inoh tile at at oents and one saok of oement, work to be done by relief help. Mr. Pounds moved and seoond by Mr. Graves to instruot Clerk to write Mr. Oharlie Smith to have City books baok by January 1st. Mr. Pounds moved, seoond Mr. Graves to instruot Clerk to nave Mr. Beltz to repair roof on Oity hall., Mr. Poinds movee seoond by Mr Graves to pay half the bill of $150.00 to purohase a Oity map to De prepared by Mr. Guss nart. Mr. Pounds asked to disouss the ma tte r of Ma.rshal as only hired for one year, Mayor Murray asked the Oounoil to table the matter until Yr. Kerr returns or until another Counoilman was appointed. Moved by Mr. Pounds and seoond by Mr. Graves not to allow any uill paid or oredited for labor :for City until passed by Counoil, M.r. .Pounds moved and seoond by Mr. Ford to pay Oooee ~arage bill of $9.l1,oarried. Mr. Pounds and ~r. ~raves were appointed street oommittee. Being no further business, Mr. Pounds moved and seoond Mr. Graves to adjorn at 10:15 P. M. ~ ~~fl /Jr h, Clerk Chairman I I , L