HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1936
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E, A. MURRAY ... f ..
'i .,
, .' oW. H. WURST. JR.
~inutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held January 6,1936
Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M.
All members present exoept Mr. Kerr, Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present.
Minutes read and approved.
. Clerk reports paying of the pumping bill in amount of $203.2.5
to Deoember 5th 1935
Mr. B. M. Reeves present and asked the oounoil to purohase four saoks
of oement for street oulcerts, Movend by Mr. Pounds and second by Mr.
Ford that Mr. Reeves get the oement, oarried.
Mr. A. M. Clarke present to disouss the matter of the Community ~uilding
whioh has been approved all around, and that a lelegation to go in to
Swopes offioe to see it through before it is thrown out.'
Mrs. L. F. Joiner asked the GounDil to ~ farnish her with water free
of oharge, after disoussed by Oounoil same was tabled.
Mrs. Ingolds letter read by Clerk, Oounoil deoided to aooept $16.00.
Mr. Ford moved and seoond by Mr. Pounds to inforoe ordinanoe to pro-
hibit anyone fromBusing0water unless billed for same.
Mr. Pounds moved,seoond by Mr. Ford to authorize Olerk to looate a
used fire hydrant to replaoe the one at water tank, oarried. --_
U~he meeting of Deoember 2nd the matter of,re-valuating the tax rolls
through out was moved, seoond and passed on by 8 unanimous vote, and
instruoted Olerk to post notioes that on Lhe th1rd meeting in January I
would be open for those appear for that oomplaint. --
Mr. E. Riley was plaoed as a speoial polioe for four days during Xmas
hollidays, moved by Mr. ~ounds and seoond by Mr. Graves to pay him
$2.00 per day.
Mr. Pounds moved, ~eoond by Mr. Ford to pay all b1lls.
Mr. Graves moved, seoond by Mr. Ford to instal~ phone, and that the 04ty
to pay bald the bill.Moved by Mr. Ford and seoond Mr. Pounds to allo.
$1.60 per day for labor on streets by using those that owe large water
rents, which are as followts that has worked, Z. o. Peaoook 6 days,
Brooklyn 6 ,days, Styles 2~ d,ys, ~. M. Brooks 2i days.
~eing no further business, Mr. Ford moved and aeoood Mr. Pounds to
adjorn at 8:46 P. M.