HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-1936 .. e . ,a, E. A. MURRAY'" MAYOR e W. H, WURST, JR. CLERK AND TREAS. e CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C.H.POUNDS P"P. FORD J. W, GRAVES Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Oounoil held February 17,1936 Meeting oalled to order by Vioe-Chairman at 7;ZO P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Kerr and Mr. ~eeves, Mayor, Olerk and marsal present. Minutes read and approved. New, ~usiness: Taxes on City hall disoussed, Oounoil moved to exempt taxes from 1927, and to ~eep up repairs for use of ouilding. oarried. Mr. Pounds moved to have Marshal to repair roof on garage used to store Oity truok, roof being dammaged by the Durning of Mr. John ~orwood house, seoond by Mr. Graves. Counoil ordered Clerk to prepare statement of taxes on lots 27, ~look 3 of Oooee in the name of John Norwood, and mail this statement to Mr. Norwood for payment, and 1f not paid by Maroh lst to oertify to Oity Attorney for oolleotion, oarried Oleek reports the payment of $26.00 to uity Attorney to apply on acoount, ~ame being reduoed to f69l00. Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Pounds to pay bills, Mr. Brook allen $8.l0 Florida Press ino. $7.00 and J. C. Olark $20.l2 Oouncil instruoted Clerk to prepare a list of all water oustomers 'in arrears, and have Marsall to out off. There being no further business, Graves to adJorn at 9:15 P. M. ~~/l Mr Pound s moved seoond Mr. W% ~ I::: $' r-f Olerk Vioe-Ohairman. I