HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-1936 E, A, MURRAX MAYOR e .. e W. H, WURST. JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. e CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOlEE. FLORIDA COUNCIl-MEN M, C, REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C.H, POUNDS P. P. FORD J, W, GRAVES e "" '. .' .. Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Oounoil held Maro~ 2nd 1936 Meeting called to order oy Ohairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present except Mr. Kerr, Mayor and Clerk present Marshal absent. Minutes read and approved. Heports: A oollection notioe from the Florida ~ank at Orlando was received ~ebruary ~5th in regards to ~Wo-one thousand dollar bonds and past due interest coupons amounting to $2660.00 whioh was sent by a ~ank in Wiohita Kansas, this matter was refferred to Attorne~ Harris, whioh reports that Mr. Harris oonferred with a Bond croker in Orlando to communioate With the ~ank in Kansas, we have !~d no reply sinoe. Mr. A. C. Hart presenttt~ ask Oounoi~ for additional oonsideration of $75.00 extra ~/~nee~omp~etion of new City map. Mr. rlart stGted that .is oost $60.00 more than he lias iJeen paid. Oounoil asked that the matter oe tables. Report: that the Oounoil is not in position to pay Mr. ~rt any consideration over what he has ueen p6id. Mrs. J. Z. Eokles presBot and asked that her valuation oe reduoed. Mrs. Fanning disoussed with Mayor about turning house in ~o City for taxes, then later asked for more time. Mr. Graves .28'" moved second Mr. Ford to order fire siren on 30 day free trial, after Deing nisoussed the need of having one. Being no further business Mr. Pounds moved, tjeoond Mr. <.rravesi.hat Oounoil adjorn at ~:OO P. M. ~~ Cler k. Ohairman ~~