HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-1936 . .. E, A, MURRAY MAYOR e W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. e CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M, C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H, POUNDS p, P. FORD .I, W, GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the ~i~y Counoil held Maroh 16th 1936 Meet ing oalled t. 0 order by ~ha1rman at 7: 30 P. fll. All members present exoept Mr. Kerr, Mayor,ulerk and Marshal present~ Minutes read and approved. Mr. Pounds moved second oy Mr. ~raves to pay Dills, and to ~ake up a liSt of names in arrears of water rent to out off. Also to send siren Dsok whioh was orderd for thirty day free trial. ~eports: ~he Bank in Kansas asked for B oonified o~~er on oonds sent the Florida Bank in Orlando for oolleotions. Pounds Moved and seoond by Mr. Graves to give Mr. Murray authority to buy or make effort to buy them for .30SZ' in the dOllar. oarried. New Business: Mr. B. W. ~itohell present to as~ oounoil to reduoe valuation on Lots ~5 and 36 .alook 1 of Sims SiD, oeing valued at present $'750.00 eaoh. Mr. ~raveB moved and seoond by Mr. ~ord to reduoe to $300.00 eaoh, als to accept $64.50 oash for amount of taxes totalling $129.00, oarried. Mr. ~. M. Olarke present to represent the WOIDSnsl Club to find out just what kin~ of building and how to be used, the building being proposed oy the P. ~. A. projeot. .Mr. C. c. Diggs represent ing the Red Commet fire ext ingusiher company made edmonBtration of fire bomds, after uemonstration Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. ~ord to buy l7 for $34.00 and one for Mr. M. ~. rleeves lor $4.00, \otalling $38.00 plus ~.u. D. and expres charges. , ., . Theee oing mo further business, Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Ford to adjprn at 9:30 P. M. .~~~r Olerk. Uhairman. ~~