HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1936 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR r' ~ ""-, . e . . e e W, H. WURST. JR. CLERK AND TREAS. CITY OF OCOE:n~ ORANGE COUNTY OCOlElE. FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held May 19~h 1936 Meeting oal~~d to order by Vioe-Chairman at 8:00 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Kerr and Mr. Reeves, Mayor Clerk and Marshall present. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. Graves to pay Ernest Sandstrum $3.00 for surveying streets for W. P. A. proJeot. Pounds moved seooad Mr. Gravel to pay t of expense for band oonoert held Thursday night May 7th. DrD. H. Hemley present to as~ Oounoil for exolusive rights for Jiimie Milligan to sell oold drinks on the grounds during the politioal ralley Thursday May 21st in behalf o~ the Demooratio Exeoutive Oommittee, Moved by Mr Graves and Sooond Mr Pounds. Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. Graves to pay billa. Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. Graves to i8struot Olerk to Oertify taxes to City Attorney for oolleotion. Bud Sloan present asked Oountil to oonsider reduoing tax valuation of his Mother's Mrs. R. D. Sloan, 06unoil asked to be table for next meeting. Mat~er of auditing Oity books was tabled unti~ all OOUnOi.1.ulen oouJ.cf be present. There being no further business Mr. Ponds moved seoond Mr. uraves to adjorn at 9:15 P. M. ~~ / ~ 7e7'-P Clerk. Vioe-Chairman