HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1936 E, A, MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H, WURST. JR. CLERK AND TREAS. CITY OF'OCOEE e ORANGE COUNTY OcOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H, POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W, GRAVES -' Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Oouncil held July 6th 1936. Meeting called to order by Ohairman at 8:00 P. M. All members present except Mr. Kerr, Mayor Olerk and Marshall present Minutes read and approved. Mr. Graves moved, second Mr. Ford to pay bills. Mrs. M. O. Watson presnent to ask for reduction in taxes, Council instruoted Olerk to prepare statement and submit to Mrs. Watson kJ giving proper amount of credit or reductions by use of bonds. 4 Mr. Joe Kirton representing the C. E. Bartlett estate asked for com- plete statement of taxes in settling Estate. After Mr. Kirton found that there 174 voted in last City Election stated that they would pes- sible withdraw exolusion proceedings. Mr. L. L. Dudley present to ask for a reduotion of taxes for settlement on Lot 19 Blk 3 of Town of Ocoee after figureing taxes on basis of 30~ bonds this oould be settled for ~112.40, after disctlssion Mr. Pounds moved and seoond Mr. Ford to accept $100.00 oash Clerk read the resignation of Mr. E. J. Kerr to take effect immediately, Mr. Pounds Moved, seoond Mr. ,B'ard to accept his resignation and to appoint 1~. R. C. Bigelow to serve for Mr. Kerr's.nex~ired temm. Mr. Bigelow aocepted and was duly sworn in by Clerk, then oalled in to take his seat as member of the Council. ' The matter of coming to a conolusion on Mrs. R. D. Slones tszes was tabled for the next regular meeting July 20th. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Ford to negotiate a loan from the State Bank of Apopka for $500.00 for niijety days for the purpose of ~etireing the remainder of five water works bonds, now in the hands of J~rry Chicane. There being no further business, Oounoil sdjorned at 9:40 P. M. ~~~)2- Clerk. Oha irman. ~ ~./t/ I ( fi---~ e