HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-1938 ~ . ....... t e . ... .. ......-- W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TREAS. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e. CIlTY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H.POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held Janlmry 3rd 1938 Meeting called to order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members presQnt. Bayor and Clerk present. Minut es' of last meet ing read and ap proved. Mr. Graves mo~ed and ~econd Mr. ~ord to pay following bills Florida Public Bervice pump bill $24.00 and $1.50~ for council room lights. these bills for servioe in full to December 3rd 1937. Letters of Mr. E. E. Humphreys and Mr. W. v. Miller was read to Counoil asking for Marshall job, ktr. J. J. Robertson presnet to ppeak for the job. and stated if given the job, he would let all salaries and fees apply on his City taxes until paid in full. 1~. C. H. Pounds also asked for the job of 1fursgall, after disoussion of each applicant, Oouncil suggested to give Mr. Pounds a trial with speoial efforts to ooi~eot water rents. Council instruoted Clerk to get Ollt Tax Statements to a nllInber of tax payers. Yr. Gra~e~ moved seoo~d Mr. Ford that the taxes on the Gano property be oertJ.fJ.ed to the CJ.ty attorney for oollectionor foreclosure property being looated on west-half of lot 66 and all of lnt 67 '.:Hook 3 of Oooee. voted and carried. There being no fllrther business, COllnoil adjorned 9;30 P. M. Attest: ~~fi Clerk. Cha irman. .