HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-1937 SS .. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST. JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. CITY OF OCOEE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. C. REEVES, CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES ,1t Minutes of a SPECIAL 1ffiETING of the City Council held Maroh 22nd 1937. Meeting oalled to order by Vice-Chairman at 7:45 P. M. All members present, Mayor, Clerk and l~rshall present. Mr. Pounds moved and second Mr. GravEsto acoept the $8.50 paid in by otto Batts for water in full inclmding the month of Maroh 1937. also agreed that if the Mter should run over 3000 gallons the average to be charged to L. C. Conrad. Mr. Graves moved to have property on lots 2 and 3 of Block C Marion Park siD, and LessW6 feet of Lot 1 of BJakley 's Sid and the property now occupied by Z. C. Peacock Certified to the City Attorney for col- lection at once, Seoond by u~. Pounds, voted and carried. Mx. Bigelow moved to have owners of property located at Et of lot 41 of block 4 of the Town of Ocoee and require them to put ~ property in liveable oondition or remove at once, this was seconded by Mr. Gra-res voted and carried. Mr. Bigelow moved to have Clerk to write Mr. Butler that we are getting all the bonds we have need at .30~ and some as low as .15~. second Mr. ~ounds, carried. W.H. Mr. Pounds moved, second 1tt. Graves that/Wurst,lJr. M~rray and Mr. Bigelow be appointed as a commitee to see the proper officials of the Brown- Crummer Company on a proposition of a settlement of the Ju4gment. carried Mr.Bigelow Moved and second Mr. Pounds that notioe be given that lots now being used and occupied by V. T. Marwin that it is unsightly, unsanitary, and is a public nuisance, to move off or imprmve the sanitary conditions at once or the Council will take action with the State board J5f Health. this in aocordance with ordinance #33. 1~. Graves Moved to send c~eok to Mr. Harris to apply on his bill for ~ \ le~l servioes, amount being $28.00 to bring down to even $300.00 bala8oe. ~ Mr. Graves moved and second Mr Pounds to reduce Lots 44 & 45 of Block 4 of Town of Ocoee to $250.00, also Mr Pounds moved second ~~. Graves to cut assessment on lot 18 Block #;of Oooee to $500.00, and to cut Mrs. Alfords on Lot 7&8 block 3 of Oooee to $1500.00. Carried. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Bigelow to cut lot 29 Blook 3 of Oooee, Mr. C. H. PoundS owner, from $2500 to $l500. carried. Counoi1 wishes this to be known that the reason of these reduotion are caused by assessments and taxes being paid in full, dollar for dollar basms. Mr. Bigelow moved that Clerk make trade for safe in Clermont for $50.00 or iesseiJfiiposs ible, seoondlJ~tr;J.~Graves, oarr ied. e mhere being no further business, Counoil adjorned at 10:35 P. M. Attf2~~~ ~/y CLERK VICE-C&1IR1~N