HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-1937 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TREAS. CITY OF OCOEE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES Minutes of I!l regular meeting of the CIty Co uno 11 held April 19th 1937. Meeting oalled to order by Ohairman at 7:40 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Pounds, Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Jernigan present to see a bout putting new l'oOf' on City Hall, Coune! 1 instructed Clerk to get b ids from 100a1 oontractors, as well as JJicensed contraotors, contraot to be ~et upon the deoision of the Council. tIre ''}raves moved and second 111". Ford to pay bills. k~. Ford moved and seoond 1~. Windham that oommittee oonsisting of Wurst and Mr. Bugelow, to see Mr. Butler regarding his bonda, ~.~RTY that . the committee be authorised to pay 50s! for one of the bonds, and would take up the other D_ when we have suffioient lfunds. voted and carried. Mr. Windham moved and second llIr. Graves to reject the build ing plans presented by Mr. Murwin, to construct a log house with five rooms, that .. the build Lng V() uld not exceed ~80.00.. .. The Christian Church has acquire(1 the lot South of the Church be ing lot - 86, Block 3 of fown of Ocoee, and they respectfully ask ,the Council to wave all taxes on this lot other than the amount for Federal Jud~ent Fund. Mr. Wind~~m moved and second Mr. Graves to retain ordt~noe ~s it is regard ing the r8 tlrodd crosslnge, be ing t hat all trainvmus;fflart"Sach cross tng before approaching. Jerry Chicone present asking Council to make rebate on paid taxes for the year 1936. JIB .tter was tabled unt il next regular meeting. there being not further ~uslness. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. ~indham to adjorn qt 9:30 P. M. A/~.e Clerk. Cha h41J'B n. .a -- .. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e CITY OF OCOEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES Motion made in regular meettng of the 01tl Oouno1l at their regular meeting held April 19th 193'. Motion bl 1Ir. L. O. Windham and second bl Kr Gra.,.8 to reta1n ord1Dlmoe #4,2 &8 1t 18. that e~oh oro8sing must be nagged ahead' of eaoh tra1n before prooeedln8 over or0881np. Voted am oarried. . Atte.t: ~)l / Olert. e W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. - l -------- ~