HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-1937 SS I . e e . E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e W. H. WURST. JR. CLERK AND TREAS. e CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. c. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C.H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES Hinutes of a SPECIAL meeting of the City Council held May 22nd 1937 Meeting called to order by Chairman at 7:45 P . M. All members present, Mayor Clerk and LIarshall present. Letter from XDEx2xn Giles J Patterson Attorney, xX dated thy 19th 1937 read, regards the Brown-Cr~~er Company vs Cityof Ocoee I ~ H~ndamus, to file Certificate of compliance. Council instructed ~ Clerk to XEE get Mr. Harris to file this compliance at once, voted and carried. Council also requested that Mr. Harris to examine records of the Courts to see if the Judgment of the Ben-Herr people..,...... - holds good Dr not, and to see if the coupond are still attached. ~ Mr. Pounds reported that Seaboard Railroad official would be back later, and would continue negotiating for a packing shed for }!r Heidrich, as he is needins larger quarters. Mr. Windham moved and second !vIr. Graves to instruct Mr. Allen to purchase necessary amount of paint for the arch and to have fire truck painted, then paint fire plugs. voted and carried. Council requested Clerk to make up the paving assessaennt of the L---- school, and present to 1rr. B. n. Bennett for payment. LIr. Graves moved and second Mr. Windham to accept ~lOO.OO for sett- lement of taxes of property of ~trs. 1. N.Jensen being part of Lot 28 of Block 4 of the T01W of Ocoee, voted and carried. Council asked to have statement of taxes on Lots nos. 87, 88 and 89 of fovm of Oco ee in the nanJ: of !1r. Vi. M. ])a vis, ~.l~o his gr:Jve being Lots 77 and 78 of Block 3 of To"'tm of Ocoee.~~ i. "'.J. ~3~~a..--c- ~tr. J. G. Friedland requested since he has purchased the three lotxs directed behind the old Flewellibg place to have Council to open their part (City) from Orlando Street back to his property, Council req uest ed t bat Mr. Murray see Mr. Stanfor d to open the 30 feet of the Chicago Ave in so much as it belongs t~ the City. Council requested Clerk to prepare notices to be placed about town that all iogs running loose on street mustAinoculated or subject to be killed on sight. There being no further business, Mr Graves moved and second ~IT Ford to adjorn at 9:~5 ~. M. A~:::::,f Chairman.