HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-1937 . ., ~ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST. JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. e CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOElE. FLORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the Ciyt Council held Spptember 7th 1937 Meeting called to or~der by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present except Mr. Graves. 1~yor and Clerk present, 1~rshal absen Minutes read and approved. Mr. Ford Lfoved and second Mr. \dndharn to pay bills as follows: , D. \.. Mi t cha11 :;,5~. 75; Is erman & Co ~20. 55; Fl or ida Publ ic ~ervice ~~l. 50; winter Garden,Lumber Co $27.52; R. A. Kerr :'h.60; Clark & Co $11.32; Also bill of ~13.52 to \finter Graden Lumber Co, from Sanitary Fund. Letter read from County Commmssioners regarding bill of $49.00 for patch work on North end of Bluford Ave was tabled to next meeting. Mr. ilindham moved second Mr. }'ord to transfer the $9.02 in ::Hnking Furo. and j6.54 from Interest Fund to the General Fund. Mr. Ford moved and second Mr. Windham to close ten (lO) feet of the sixty (60) foot street in Front of Mr. JM. Grafton house running East and West and on the South Side of the street. . Mr. J!'ord moved and second Mr. \hndham to cut Mr. C. B. Fielding water bill from $10.36 to $8.00. Mr. \/indham moved and second Mr. Ford to have clerk to prepare statements.L- of taxes due the City on the old Richardson Fruit Corporat ion packing house, Miss Emma Gano property and Itt. W. M. Davis and send to Mr. Harris and advise Xx him to send out notice and give thirty days to make settle- ment, Cl. fter which will start foreclosure, also that I.1r. Harris needs not send an~ further notice, voted and carried. Three be ing no furthe b llsine ss, Mr Ford moved and seco nd 1.:r. \I indham to adjorn at 9:35 P. H. ~.. At~~ Clerk. Chairman. e' ...... '"- r I ---- .. ... E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e . W. H, WURST, JR. CLERK AND TRKAS. e CHTY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES A TRUE OOPY OF THE uIrroTEs :OF REGULAlt MEETING OF OITY , OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. HELD SEPTElmER 7TH 1937 AT OITY BALL. e Meeting onl~ed to order .~ Ohairman Mr. R. C. Bigelow a.t 7: 30 P. M. All members present exoept Mr.. Graves. Mayor Bnd Olerk present. ~. Ford moved and seoond bV Mr. Windham.to olose ten (10) feet of the sixty (60) foot street running'East and West 1n I front of Mr. J. M. Grafton and Mr. W. B. Pounds res1deno_, ! this ten feet being olosed on South side of.st~eet. AT~~~: ~ ~ --~~ ~ .--v- - " OLERK. ""' k. .._~. ',' .