HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-1937 .. ". E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . . W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TREAS. .> CIlTY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. }4'LORlIDA COUNCIL-MEN M. c. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H.POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held September 20th 1937 Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Ford, Mayor and Clerk' present, Marshal absent. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Windham moved and second Mr. Graves to aooept the $300.00 stated in letter from Mr. Harris from the Attorney representing the Riohards~n paoking house people. Mr. Windham Moved and seoond Mr. Graves to pay following bills: Florida Publio Service $27.85 snd D. W. Mitohell $29.20 . Mr. Dan B~ewer from Winter Park present to see if the Counoil would pay for the breaking of windshield in his oar amount to $9.00 oause by limb falling from tree while driving along on street. Mr. Windham moved and second Mr. Graves to aooept $75.00 from Mrs. s. C. Muray for taxes on ten lots in Graoe park siD, also Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Windham out assessment of eaoh lot from $lOO.OO to $50.00 to begin wi th 1937. Mrs. Alford requested the reduotion of valuation out to $500.00, Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Pounds to allow this reduotion on Oounoil voted to keep the 1937 millage at 22 mills, as of 1936, also to ~ p.!.prt"r::~~mt.~~(::bKb8..xM141)J(ith bonds, and lO mills to be paid in CASH. There being no further business, Mr. Pounds moved and seoond Mr. Graves to adjorn at 9:20 P. M. AT~~ Clerk. Ohairman. .~ ~~