HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-1937 l E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TRB:AS. ie CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FI..ORIDA COUNCIl.MEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES e Minutes of a regnlar meeting of the City Counoil held Ootober 4th 1937. Meeting oa1led to order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present, Mayor Clerk and Marshall present. minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Pounds moved and second Mr. Graves to pay bills as follows: D. w. Mitohe11 $28186; L. C. Conrad $ll.05; Clark & Co $2.25; Davis offioe supply 00 $z~eo; Winter Garden Press $9.86; IsermBn & 00 $0.70. Letter from Munioipal Bond Corp, in Chicago read in regards to ooupons past due, Counoi1 instruoted Clerk to replYino funds to pay. Mr. Windham moved add seoond Mr. Graves to approve Ordinanoe #52 as read. Dounoil appointed Mr. Bigelow, Mr. Pounds and Mr. Vandergrift as a committee on building new body for fire truck, and to have Mr. Beltz to start at once. Mr. Pounds moved and seoond Mr. Graves to revise Ordinanoe of sohedule for Lioense Tax on Beer to $7.50, Also to change Ordinance on Milk Dea1sers Licens to $5.00. . Counoil appointed Messers P. J. New, L. H. Bennett, J. W. Robertson as lnspedtors, and Mr. G. C. Spurgeon as Olerk at the polls for Regular City e1eotion to be held November 2nd 1937. Phere veing no further business, Mr. Windham moved and soond Mr Pounds to adjorn at 9:l5.P. M. Attest:. ~ . ~~ ~ 01 er k. Oha irman. ~