HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-1938 ~. . . . ~ H. WUR&T, JR. CLERK AND TREAS. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR ClITY OF" OCOEE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES STAT OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE: I. E. E. Humphries do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, proteot and defend the . Constitution and Government of the United States and of the state of Florida against all enemies, domestioe or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegianoe to the same. and that I am entitled to hold offioe unders the Constitution; that I will faithfully perform all duties of the offioe .as Marshall of the Cit.y of Oooee. on whioh I am about to enter. So help me God. Sworn to and subsoribed before me this 7th day of February A.D. 19~. ~~~ City Clerk. EE'1i.~ e .. . . . W. H. WURST, JR. CLERK AND TRIEAS. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e ClITV OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN M. C. REEVES. CHAIRMAN E. J. KERR C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES Minutes of a regular meet ing of City Counoil held Febrl1BrY 7th 19361. Meeting oelled ~o order by chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present i :i~rayor, Clerk and I&3.rshall present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Ford to pay bills as follows: D. W. Mitchell. $2.05; E..8. Brown $10.00; Iserman & Co $7.10 Pounds Mot~ Co $3.93. Letter from the Eureka Fire Hose Division, giving prices of fire hose, Council disoussed matter as to amount needed, Mr. Pounds moved second ~~. Graves to instruct Clerk to order 300 feet @ $1.00 per foot, with 7t/ per fllot ordit for old opuplings used. Mr. Windham moved second Mr. Ford to give Clerk full authority to negotiate with bond oonoerns to buy bonds for llSe of tax payers. anything less 50~'...... [ffr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Pounds to reduoe tax assessment of Mrs. Mary ) W. Brooker's home plaoe from $4,500 to $,3,500.00 voted and carried, also e to reduoe assessment of R. l!'. Whitaker home plaoe from $3,750 to ~~2,750.00 7voted and oarried. for end oommenoe with 1938 tax rolls. / ]Mr. Windham moved and second Mr. Ford.to have Dr. SQott pay his Ocoupational Lioense Tax, also water rent to the amount figures from meter readings, This to apply to all Citizens. Counoils instrllotions to have meter installed at the S. B. Marsg house, ownei by Mr. W. M. Davis. _ Co unoil moved to aooept the $1.00 in oash hand paid for the one y ears ~ lease to Womans Clun of Oo~ee, whioh ends Jan uary 31st 1939. . Ur, B. M. Reeves, 1~. P. P. Ford and 1~. R. C. BigeloW were appointedas oommittee for getting up new projeot far street work. N~. Windham moved seoond 1~. Ford to emplpy Mr. A. H. Still at a prioe of $25.00 to draw up the neoessary papers in passing on the street work project. Clerk sworn in Mr. E. E. Humphries as Marshall of Oooee, to suooeed ltr. Brook 4l1en who resigned. Mr. Hmnphries begun work l!'ebruary 1st 1938. Clerk was instrlloted to order two billies and gun holster, this was moved by Mr. Ford and seconded by 1~. Windham. 1~. Windham moved seoond !1r. Ford that the Oooupational Lioense tax on Dootors and Dent ist locally be reduoed from $15.00 to $7.50. vat ed and carried. There being no fllTther.business, C~unoil sttod adjorned at 10:20 P. M. e Attest: ~ ~~~ Cl erk. Cha irrmn .