HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-1938 ~ .. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e . , W. H.. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CITY OF O<COEE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORlIDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes or a reglllar meeting of the City Counoil held Maroh 21st 1938 Meet ing called" to order by the Chairman at 7: 40 P. M. Members present except Mr. Pouna.a.:. and !,Ir. J!'ord~ May o.r abse nt, Clerk and Marshall presnet. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. 1,rr.Windli/f1f8ved and second !:1r. Graves to pay billsas follows: Florida Publio Servioe Co $27.50; Florida pllblio Servioe Co $1.50 Florida Press, Ino.A $9.55; Southern Meter Repair Co, $~.40; Eureka Fire Hose Division ~273.42 Mr. Windham moved seoond Mr. Graves have Clerk rrake up the 1938 Tax Rolls using same millage and same assessments. voted and carried. Mr. Windham moved seoond Mr. Graves to reduoe assessment of Mrs. Eva C. Sims home plaoe located on Lots 22, 23 & 24 of Blook C of Marion Park from $5000.00 to $3750.00, voted and carried. A (Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Windham that the Chairman 'and Hr Pounds ..,/be instruoted to oover the corporate limits of Ocoee to re-assess all ~operty that has been improved in the past few years. voted and carried. Mrs. Butt of Orlando was present to disOllSS with Council a plan for oollecting taxes and assessments, oweing to some menbers of Counoil absent this was posponed until full COllnoil was present, There being no further business, Mr. Graves moved and ~econd Mr. windham to udjorn at 8:50 P. M. Attest; Clerk. Chairman. e