HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-1938 . . . e W. A. WURST CLERK AND TREA9. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR CITY OF OCOlEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCc[])JI<~lE. FLORHDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES e Minates of a regalar meeting of the City Counoilheld April 18th 1938. Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:40 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Pounds Minutes of last meeting read and approved. No bills were on hand to be paid. REPORTS that the Florida Publio Servioe Company paid their personal property taxes in the amollnt of $132.00. and we in turn applied this amount With our oheok to the old light bill. {Clerk also reports the oompletion of the 1938 tax roll, Mr. Windham I moved seoond Mr. Graves that the Counoil aooept the roll as bronght up by Clerk. being 22 mills be levied against all property within the ~itY of Ocoee, levys as follows: 3 mills operating. 12 mills for eneral and 7 mills of the Brown-Cr~er Judgment. Voted and Carried. r. Windham Moved and seoond Mr. Graves that Counoil have Clerk to notify Mr. B. M. Reeves to Save Ernest Peavy to take the City truok in the next W. P. A. work on streets. Voted and Carried. Mr. A. M. Olarke present and disoussed wi th Counoil about having the blook East of Womans' Club in Maripn Park cleared and fixed up as a Oity Park with some of this proposed W. P. A. labor. Counoil set meetings to begin at 7:45 for the Summer months. instead of 7:30. ~ 1 There being no further business. Mr. Graves moged and seoond Mr. Ford that the Council a~jorn. A.ttest:~~ ~ Olerk. Chairman . e