HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-09-1938 SS E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e . W. H..WURST CLERK AND TREAS. <<:;JITY OW OCOEE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOiEE. FLOaHDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW, CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM' C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES e: MinQtes of a SPEOIAL meeting oalled May 9th 1938 All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. Mrs. Batt of Orlando present to disoass with oounoil a matter of employing her to oolleot taxes and assessments due the Oity of Oooee. After muoh disoussion pro ~d oon. Mr. Windham moved and seoond by Mr. Ford to employ Mrs. Batt for a term of the Dext six months on.a oommission b&8iS of 10% of amount of taxes and assessment on property the Counoil assigns to her for 0011- eotion only, all property assigned to her and not sQooessfnl in affeoting payment will be returned to Counoil to be turned over to Oity Attorney I:L' 1_"'1, Those tax statements turned baok to Counoil DD ~.oharges will be made by Mrs. Butt. l1r.."Bigelow:~express- ed his dis-approval, ~he matter was put to a vote and passed unan- imously, sabjeot to approval of oontraot. Mr. Windham moved and seoond "Mr. ]'ord to have model A ford truok be sent to Pounds Motor Company for repairs, voted and oarried. There being no fQrther bQsiness, Counoil stood adjorned at 9:15 P. M. A~J Olerk. Ohairman. e