HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-1938 '. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e i . W. H..WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CllTY OF ({J)C<O>EE .e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. F.~ORJ[DA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW, CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Cpunoi1 held June 20th 1938 All members present, Mayor. 01erk and Marshall present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Ford moved seoond Mr Pounds to pay bills as follows: Florida Publio servioe 00 $33.10; Florida publioe Servioe C6, $1.50; Clark & 00, $2.82; E. B. Brown, ~2.06; D. W. Mitohell, $2.35 Letter read from Oounty Commissioners !ated June 13th 1938, regarding pro-rata share of road and bridge tax aue the Oity of Oooee in amount of $121.87, also regarding bills for patoh work on North end of Bluford Avenue to City limits. Counoi1 asked Clerk to investi(9lt,e and report at next meeting. Mr Fishbaok lawyer from Orlando present to take up natter of Oity bUYing; Oooee bonds he now holds, after disoussion Mr. Windham moved seoond Mr Ford to buy the Fishbaok bonds at 35~ as money acoumulates from the tax oolleotions. Voted and oarried. Olerk presneted aheok in amount of $171.00 from Mr. T. D. Hudson for taxes. totaling $310.00. Mr. Windham moved an d seoond Mr. Ford that sinoe the adjusted amount being $195.00, be not reduoed from that figure. ~r. Graves moved and s~oond Mr. Pounds that Mr. J. W. Robertson be given ~ot81 exemption of Oi~y taxes. Being no futher business, Counoil adjoned at 8:55 P. M. A~~ Olerk. Chairman. ~ ~_________~ ..__o!!!._ __ ...._ ______ _