HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . e e . . e . W. H.' WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e CllTY OF OCOEJE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FI~ORIIDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minates of a regular meeting of the City Coanoil held August 1st 1938. Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:45 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Graves; h~yor and Clerk present. minutes of la st meet ing read and a1JProved. ~r. Windham moved and seoom d Mr. ~ord to ~aY-bilIS as follows: Orange State Oil Co, ~21. 36; L. C. Conrad ~14. 57; Pounds motor Co ~'l.90 Mr. "Stimpson presxet in hehalf of the F. H. Thwing Investment Co taxes, Sinoe Mr. Stimpson stated to the Counoil that he had to be called out of the State on business, the Counoil agreed not to take aotion on their tax until after his aprival, Mr. Stimpson having oheok f~ taxes on hand. Bounoil instruoted Clerk to take City map and meet with Mr. Holland with the County Read and Bridge department to figure out the bill they have the City oharged with for patoh work. Mr. Pounds stated that the Oommiss- ioners stated that they wish to keep up the road North of Mr. Cbas ~ain st ore. Mr. Ford moved and seoond Mr. Pounds that the proposed quit olaim deed from Mr. F. H. Kaguire for lots in the Maguir'e Addition to Oooee be %vtw~ deolined, . due to the faot that property bas to be foreolosed to eliminated the mo!tgage against the property. Mr. Ford moved seoond Mr. Windham to aooept th e proposition of Mr. R. H. Harrison to dragging streets for Oity with his traotor, and for the City ,to furnish the gas and oil . Mr. Ford mOTed seoond Mr. Pounds that the matter of Mrs. P. B. Clark's be laid over until next meetin when a full oounoil is present. Letter from R. E. Orummer and Company read, whioh was written by Mr. Hewen A. Lasseter. Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. Windham to oertify to Mr. Harris. lawyer all tax statements, and not to start foreolosure intil notified by Counoil. the statements oonsist of the ones that were given Mrs. Butts for her oolleotions. And that no legal aotion to be taken until neg- otiations with Mr. Lasseter are exausted. Voted and oarried. L there being no further business, upon motion by Mr. Windham and seoond Mr. Ford to adjorn at 9:45 P. M. Attest; ~~ ~ Cle rk. Chairman.