HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-1938 SS E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H..WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CnTY OF OCOEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FI~ORI[DA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes of a speoial meeting of the City Counoil held August 5th 1938 meeting oalled for the purpose of disoussing a lower basis for whioh to figure all delinquent taxes, and to disouss the oontraot now held by Mrs. Ruth E. Butt that the City exeouted for the purpose of helping to oolleot tax without foreolosares. All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. e Chairman oalled meeting to order at 12:00 A. M. ~he matter of lower rate of f~gureing taxes afeer disoussion by Counoil was not agreed upon. due to the faot that a meeting would be held for all tax payers and oitizens Thursday August 11th. Mr. Windham moved and seoond Mr. Graves to extend the Contraot of Mrs. Butt until Gounoil sees fit to turn over the tax statements to Attorney for foreoloaure. Voted and oarried unanimously. I~. Bigelow opposing. There being no further business, Counoil stood adjorned. at l2:20A. M. .AtteBt:..p5~ ~lerk. Chairman. Ie I ~