HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H..WURST CL.ERK AND TREAS. CITY OW OCOEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOlEE. FD'...ORlI:lIJlA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes of a regular meeting of the City OOQnoil held Augsut 15th 1938 e Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:45 P. M. All members preSBElt; Mayor a nd Clerk present. Minutes of last meeting reacl and approved. Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Ford to pay bills as folloV1S~ E. B. Brown ~11.22; D. W . Mitohell $4.20; :H'lorida Pllblio Servioe $1.50; Florid~ Publio ~ervioe $18.25; Orange State Oil Co $26.70; Iserman & Co ~11.13. ' Mr. POllnds and Mr. Graves wwre appointed as a oommittee to investigate drainage well in Starke lake in order that water level may be kept about 12 inohes higher. r. Hammond,attorney from Orlando presnet in the interest of Mrs. ~osetta Marshall for reduotion of assessment of her property, COllnoil disoussed between Mr. Hammond. Mr. Ford moved seoond Mr. Graves that a new assessment of $3500. be given for the grove property being lots 37 & 38 of blook 4 of Oooee. Mr. Pounds moved and seoo nd Mr. Graves that the 240 aores of the Marshall interests be out from $40,000.00 to $15.000.00 both for the 1939 ta."': rolls. The ua.tter of adjusting amollnt of taxes due and settlement was left open until next meeting. I Mr. Windham moved seoond 1!'ord to reduoe assessment of the J. G. Cole plaoe from $2,250. to $2,000. voted and oarried. (Mr. P. C. Peters request reduotion of his property, Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. l!'ord to let his assessment remain on tax roll at $19.000.00 lMr. "ord moved and seoond 11r. Windham that taxes tilat was paid by !-frs. T. B. Clark be not ohanged and be no reimbursement. Voted and oarried. " There being no further business, Mr. Grave s moved second Mr. POllnds to a djorn at 10::00 P. M. A~~ Olerk. Cha irman. e