HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST CL.ERK AND TREA9. CITY OF ({J>COEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOIEE. FI...ORlIDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held September 6th 1938. Meetinp.: ca.lled to order by Chairman at 7:45 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Pounds; May~r ~ m't Clerk precent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Ford moved and second Mr Graves t.o pay bills as follows: Clark & Co $5.32; E. B. Brown $37.09; T. I. C. Store .35~; Lester A. Harris $20.10 Griffin Chrvrolet Co $10.70; Iserman & Co $3.04; Pounds Motor Co $13.70; Winter Garden Lumber Co $18.24; C. M. Gay, Ulerk of Cirouit Court $~.50. Clerk repos:trted advanoe payment to Mr. Lester Hartis of $100.00 to apply J.------ aooounts he is now handling for City. UNFI!ITSHED BUSINESS: Mr. Hammond, attorney for Mrs Rosetta E. Marshall pres eat to ask Counoil for reduotion in taxes, The Counoil agreed after discussion to settle with Mrl Hammond consisting EXiBthe property of the ~1ars. Marshall interest for $$4,000.00 flat for the three tax bills. ~l,OOO to be paid in thirty days and $3,000 to be paid at end of sixty days. the mat ter of mating adjustment on part of t he year 1931 tax whioh was paid a by Mrs. N. N. Jensen was deolined by Council, beoause of the faot that the ., exoess amount oolleotedfor t he Judgment fllnd was used for the ret irement of the balanoe of the Water Bonds. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Windham that tl~ resolution of Mr. A. M. Olarke as read be adopted as fo llows; WHEHEAS there has been no complete revalllation or assessment of rea.l estate in the original Ci ty limits of Ocoee s inoe t he first ass essment a number of years ago, AND oweing to ohange of values and other oonditions sinoe arising it is de€IOOd to the advantage of all that a re-assessment be r.ade accoriding \to present oash values. NOW TEERE1!'ORE be it resolved that a oommittee of nine be appointed and allthorized to make suoh a re-asse.ssment, the Committee shall 'oonsist of the five members of the Oity Counoil an,(l four Ocoee ta.x payers, }these four to be seleoted by the tax payers/Rte~t~~ meeting. The work lof rmking suoh an assessment roll to begin as suoh time as agreed upon at this meeting and oontinued as rapidly as possible until complete. The Cnnmittee ~as instructed to meet in the City hall Thursday nig~ 7:30 ) l,ie~bers ot the aceassessment oommittee consist of the Counoil: Mr. P. 1? Ford M.r. J. '\.. Graves. Mr. C. H. Pounds. Mr. L. C. Widdham. Mr. R. C. Bigelow Other members of the oon~ittee appointed was Mr. W. D. Pease, Mr. W. B. ~ounds ~. F. H. li~aguire and Mr. J. H. Argo. There being no further bllsine ss Mr. Graves moved and s eo ond Mr. Ford to- e adjorn at 9:15 P. M. A;;~~ C . 1erk. i Cha irma n. , L..