HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e . .W. H. W~RST Cl.ERK AND TREAS. CITY OF ({J)COEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FILOR][DA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes of a regUlar meeting of the City Counoil held September 19th 1938. e All members present exoept Mr. Pounds and Mr. Windham; 1~yor absent Olerk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Ford moved and'seoond ~tr. Graves to pay bills as follows: E. B. Brown $24.32; X. E. Humphries $20.30; Florida' Publio Servioe Company $1.50; Florida Public Servioe Company $24.35. The bill from the West Orange News for $20.00 was already pai'd, also was approved. The resignation of Mr. E. E. Humphries as marshal was read, applioation for the marshal job from Mr. M. C. Bryan was also read. Eoth was tabled until full oOllnoil was present. A prepared letter addressed to Mrs. M. F. Maguire was read and approved in oonneotion with the over hanging limbs from her grove being in way of trafio. . Letter from Mr. G. A. Washburn read in oonneotion with taxes and briok assessme nt of his property on Starke Lake. There being no further bllsiness, Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Graves to a:djorn at 7:50. P. M. At~ C le r k. Chairman. e