HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . - W. H: WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CHTY OF ([})COEE .' ORANGE COUNTY OVOlEE. FLORJlJI1lA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES e Minutes of a reglllar meeting of the City Counoil held Oct::lber 3rd 1938. All members present, u~yor absent, Clerk peesent. Minutes 'of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. vfindOOm to carryall bills over to next meeting on accomnt of insuffioient funds to pay. exoept ~3.00 on the J. C. Clark bill of $8.00 Mr. Windham moved and seoond Mr. POllnds that water rate be oontinued for Mrs. Stanford in Post Offioe at $1.25 per month as other business . houses are charged. ~r. Catlin present from Mr. Lasseters office of the R. E. Crummer Co V in Orlando, to talk over the tax situation, It was stated by Mr. Catlin that since the Town has been re-assessed, that the next thing they wOllld ask, Was to have the books audited, and brought up to date. after which they would be in position to arrive at a basis on whioh to settle all Waok taxes and assessments. After the disoussion pro and oon on the tax situation, Mr. round s moved and seoond Mr. Graves to have the books dited at onoe, and on a time basis. . Mr. Peal present in oonneotion with seoureing lioense for a lunah stand near the T. & G. RR station, Counoil agreed to have lioense isslled for one-half year for $2.50 There being no further business. COllnoil stDod adjoened at 9:35 P. M. At~.w~ Clerk. Coo irma.n. e