HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-1938 .... E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . . W. H'. WURST CLERK AND TREAB. l CllTY O!F ({J)COEE . ORANGE COUNTY OCOlEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES e Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held October 17th 1938. Meeting oalled to order by Chariman at 7~30 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. pounas. Mayor and Clerk present. Minutes of last meet ing read and anuroved. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Vlindha.rn to table amI bills until suffioient funds are available. Mr. Windham moved seoond Mr. Graves to have ordinanoe drawn up and post same fo r thirty days, regula. ting restallran ts and lunch stands requireing them to have not and cold running water, and sanitary toilet, and to keep in sanitary oondition at all times. Mr. Graves mw~<< and Mr. Bigelow was ap~ointed as a c~mmittee to see Mrs. Magllire a bout cutting beok the limbs that overhang t he road at her grove. Also to see Mr. B. D. Bennett in oonnection with the paving assessment assessed against the sohool property. The Counoil instruoted Clerk to write Mr. Edmond Black to open street he has fenoed in, named Kentwood Avenue. V-11ich is being used as a cow pasture or ooW pen. There being no further b~siness, Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. Ford to adjorn at 8:50. P. M. Attest:, { ~M~ Clerk. Chairman. e