HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1938 .. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . . ~ W. H'. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CITY OF (Q)CO>EE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOlElE. FI..OIRJlDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES II,. 7~.!f 1. E. J. Kerr Do 801emnlv pear (01' atf1~) that 1 Will snpP01!t t proteot and de:tend the Oonstltut1on and QO'Vel'nment ot the United State8 8nd of the state of Floriaa 8EJ\i118t oU en~m1eB. domestio 01' toreign, and that 1 "11~ ben:r trlle fa1th, loJ8lt, 8Dd allegianoe to the SBme, and tbJ. t 1 em entitled to hold offioe unde%' thG OOl1stitution; that I \\ill ta1th:tu1lV . . e.. perfDm all d1ltles Df the offioe BS COllnoilman r., Df the Oity of Oooee. on whioh 1 am abont to enter. So help me God. E. A. Marrar 11 aro l' (2. ~A- ..;:/ e ~ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA9. CJITY OW OCOEE ~' ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLOR.J[DA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES ~ Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held November 7th 1938. Meeting oalled to order by Charirn.an at 7:30 1). H. All members present; Mayor, Clerk present. Minutes of last meeting read and a~proved. Mr. Pounds moved seoond Mr. Graves to have the Old Council to condudt meeting regarding all old bllsiness. voted and carried. . 111'. Windham moved and second 1\.11'. Graves to accept tile ~15.00 'per month from the Florida Nationa Bank in payment of taxes, being a balance of ~63.00 Mr. \/indham moved seoond L~r. ]Pord to have paving assessment abutting sohool property be oertified to the City Attorney for col~ection, V~ted and carried. .' 111'. Pounds moved and se~lond l\ilr. Graves to have to r;I,es that was made aoross at the head for ~ranklin street be lowered about half. to be lowered to the best jud~ment of the l~a~shnll, end to see after it at once. Mr. Ford moved to'aooept the ordinanoe as written and read, bllt due to having no seoond to the move~ died llntil further reference.. Counoil agreed to see if the Railroad will put in crossing at East of City limits, this being the A. C. L. Hailroad Mr. Pounds moved and second Mr. iii ndham to accept t le co llnt frop-} the Ulerk and inspeotors of the City :eleotion held November 1st 1938 as official ~nd final. Voted and oarried unanimollsly for a tern of two years. The following is a of names end nucber of votes received in the 'eleotion, 1.:1'. J. :1. }rs:ves 100; Hr. C. H. POllnds 99; Mr. E. J. Kerr 90; Mr. !~. o. "Bryan 18; ~.~r. J. M. Argo 86; Mr. J. Z. Eokles' 66; l,~:c. R. C. Bige'lo'lll 62: there were found to be three vOtC3 thrown Ollt. Total number voted 178. Mr. E. A. M.urray, mayor read oath of office to Hr. :::. J. ,Kerr :)eing elected ne\7 COllncilman, Hr. Ke:i::r repeating oath, then tooIt seat in office. Mr. i;indham moved and second Mr. Fprd to elect :Mr. G. H. POllncls as Chairr..:a.n for terI.l of two yeal'S. Voted. and Carried. There being no fnrther business Mr. ilindham moved nncl second I.lr. J.raves to adjorn at 9:50 P. l~. e Attest:. ~~ C 1 er k. 'Iiui- . ~'----- , f ~ if lJhattman. ~