HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-1938 e e e ..... .. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e . W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. QLitll of (0.cntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held November 21st 1938. Meeting called to order by Chairman at 7:15 P. Y., All members present, lfuyor and L~erk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. .~ Mr. Graves moved and secDnd Mr. ~ord to pay bills as follows: Inspectors and Ulerk for City elec~ion $2.00 each, Florida Public Service Co, $1.50; Florida Pllblio ~ervice Company ~32.40; Roy Kitohens $3.00 Reports of Masters deeds received on Mollie Miller property, also . ,~~ 19tsof Mr. F. H. Maguire in Y~guireJs ~ddition to Ocoee, Also a letter r~g Mr. Hewan A. Lasseter dated November 17th read to Council regarding ~vy of millage for 1938-1939 fiscal year. - -Mr. Jraves moved and second lir. Ford to oall a special meeting of Counoil and all taE payers to meet at sohool allditorilun. and ask Mr. Lasseter to I be present. to disouss a basis on which to settle back taxes and to set a I millage for 1938-1939 taxes, Meeting to be called at 7:30 B. lie voted \ and oarried. . ~r. Graves moved and second Mr. Kerr that the Waokyn property located on S~ of lot 52 in Sims ~ubdivision be oondemned add Mr. W. P. Carreker be gtven permission to take down the house and leave lot oleaned uP. Voted and carried. :Mr. Windham moved and seoond }.~r. Ford to allow W. H. WllTst. ulerk $300.00 as a disoount on taxes he is due on property located lots 16 & 17 blook C in Marion Park Bubdivision. Voted and Carried. There being no further business. Mr. Graves moved and second Mr. 'ord to adjorn at 8~30 P. M. Attest: C /~rI'P~ r Clerk. c. H. Pounds. Chairman