HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-1938 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e .. W. H: WURST CLERK AND TREAS. CJ[TY OF OC([])EE e ORANGE COUNTY OCOEIE. IFLOlRlInA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minutes of a regnlar meeting of the Oity Oounoi1 held Deoember 5th 1938. Meeting Oalled to order by Ohairman Pounds a~ 7:15 P. M. JaIl members present; Mayor 01erk and Marshall present. Minutes of a Speoial meeting held November 28th 1938, and minutes of last regular meeting was read and approved. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Graves to pay bills as follows: Jlorida Press Ino. $4.06; E. B. Brown $26.70 Mr. Windham moved adn seoond Mr. l'ord to have Marshall to oolleot all water rents due the Oity of Oooee by JanQ&rY 1st 1939, those who do not have rent paid up in full at that time will be out off and oharged with $1.00 for outting baok on. voted and oarried. - e Mr. Oatlin and Mr. Plewis from the R. E. Orammer & Oompany offioe in V Orlando was present to disouss With OouDoi1 and Citizens in oonneotio . With oolleoting delinquent taxes, the basis of whioh was Bet b, the Orammer people of 50 oents on the dollar. Mr. Plrwis and Mr. Oatlin I a180 asked tbat the Counoil approve a oertain stipulatioll that was read and "disonssed at a speo1al meeting. held November 28th 1938, they asked that Counoil approve~ it for the signature of the Oity Attorney, Same was not approved by the Counoil and taxpayers present at both meetings, same being passed up not signed. The Counoil. asked that they be given more time to deoide upon signing. voted snd oarried. '- There being no further business Mr. Windh8m moved and seoond Mr. Ford to adjorn at 9:00 P. M. ...tt~~~ 01erk. {J<JJI(/~ Ohat:tIIan. e: