HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-02-1939 ~... ~- I E. A. MURR~",'-- MAYOR . ....... ...."...... .. -~ p.';~. .t'f. W. H. WURST ~ERK o'JW"O TREAS. CHTlY OF ((})COEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORllDA COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES , ' Minutes of a regular meeting of Oity OouDoil held (January 2nd 1939 Meeting oalled to order by Chatrman at 7:15 P. M. All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Ford moved seoond Mr. Kerr to pay bills as follows: . 'riffin Chevrolt Co . 75~; Jl'lorida Public Service Co $33. SO; Florida ~nblio Servioe Co $1.-50t,Pllil Pounds $lS.25; Howard I. Brown,. U.S. ,eputy Marshal $lS.3Si West Orange News,$S.75; Edwin~. Williams,Olerk U. S. Distriot Court ~5.00; C. M. Gay, Clert Cirouit Uourt $1.30 Oounoil appointed Mr. W~m and Mr.~~~o aot as street Oommittee. fM~. Ford moved second Mr. Windham that the CouncilI acoept resoultion ,1 attached to and made part of the minutes, regulating and oorrecting ! tax levies heretofore made by Oouncil of Oity of Ocoee. "" .- There being no fntther business, Hr. ll'ord moved and second Mr. Graves to adjorn at 7:35 P. M. Attest ~ pI~ Clerk. uJ<<?~ Chairman. I I I. it, l "'4 ---"IIiiolL