HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1939 ~ , -......-- - . -- E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . e W. H. WURST CLI:RK AND 1'REAS. CHTY OW O>COEE '. COUNCILMEN ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FI~ORllDA ~ ~.".. ~~ ~ ~ .c ~ ~(\ '"' , ,A. ~~.. 16th 1939 '-' ~~ ~ R. C. BIGELOW. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM C. H. POUNDS P. P. FORD J. W GRAVES Minates of a regular meeting of City Council held January Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:15 P. M. All members present, Mayor and Clerk pr'sent.. Minates of 'last meeting read and approved. Mr. Windham moved seoond Mr. Ford tQ pay bill as follows exoept that of W. H. Wurst, insuranoe and the Fidelity Title'& Guaranty Co. N. B. Nolan $10.00; Florida Pablic ~ervioe$1,50; Florida Pabiic Service $32.75; Q. M. Ga" Cleek gf Circuit: Court $1.30; "R. A. Kerr $51.10; L. A. Harria $15.00; W. W. Chase, Sheriff gf Polk County $7.85 . C.uncil disonssed in making a change in water rate, after discnssion this deoision was to let it stand ss is. Mr. Wm Marlett present to ask for _eduotion in Mrs. Aldrich assessment, after explanation and allowing widows exemption, was very satisfatory. Mr. Windham moved and second Mr. Ford to have Clerk to certify all property being delinquent in taxes for 1937 and prior,be Uertified to lity attorney for ~ foreclosnre, bnt not to proceed until anthorized by Council. Voted and ..,,- carr ie d. 'I There being no fnrther business, Mr. ~ord moved Beoond Mr. Graves to adjorn at 9:50 P. M. #" Attest: ~ ~rk Mf(?~ Ohairman. e,