HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance on Telephone Franchise 1939
August 8, 1939
Mr. Earl Murray, Mayor
Ocoee, Flo rid a
Dear Earl,
Here are the ordinances on the telephone franchise.
Plea8e have the council, if it sees fit, pass the same,
and have the city clerk and the mayor sign both copies
and ba. ve the clerk pl ace his seal in the lower left
hand corner and th e same seal opposite his name where
the paper reads "Clerks Seal".
This can be passed at the next regular meeting of
the council and then filed and sealed. The ci ty will
keep for it's files the ordinance marked nu.mber 1, and
return to me signed and sealed tho copy marked number 2.
There will be no charges to the city for my work as
the telephone company has agree d to pay me.
The ordinance 00 vers only long distance telephones
and so will not interfere at all vdth presant, city
Authorizing the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company to use the public streets of the___City_____
~ oL_________Q~_Q.~_~,,---________h_______________Florida, for the purpose of erecting, constructing, maintaining and operating
lines of telephone and telegraph thereon and thereunder.
SECTIOX' 1. Be it ordained by the_____Q!~nQ~~E~:i:~____________________________n_________ of the______Q:!.o/_______uu_of
_____________Q~.Q~~_L____u_________u__________, Florida, that permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Southern
Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate lines of tele-
phone and telegraph, including the necessary poles, cond uits, cables, fixtures and electrical conductors upon, along,
un~er an~ over the public rOtd~ ~treet~8g~ 9~wcf~~ o2f. the-T.gitYd-t~<HC'e--~C;Cj2ee110ne--.blffilnE:rs~lts>Rb,.
as Its buslOess may frothqrme 11> tIglf'r'eqlfIrl{,p1ovHre.'tlfha't an rftJf>es sTi1i1r1ie neat :rIfcFPymrffel:ncaT.' '
SECTION 2. The work of erecting poles and constructing underground conduits under this ordinance shall be
done subject to the supervision of the___.Ci:tY-________, and the Company shall replace or properly relay and repair
any sidewalk or street that may be displaced by reason of such work, and upon failure of the C<Jmpany so to do,
after twenty days' notice in writing shall have been given by the Mayor of thcQit~__n______to the Company, the
___.Q.i..:tY_________may repair such portion of the sidewalk or street that may have been disturbed by the Company, and
collect the cost so incurred from the C<Jmpany.
SECTIOX' 3. In consideration of the rights and privi leges herein granted, the Company, when requested by
the__J~J~mm_m, will designate and provide without cost to the____9_:!:'!iY___n___( 1) on each pole owned and used
by the Company hereunder and during its ownership and use thereof, either (a) space for a fixture for, or (b)
space for a crossarm for, wires of the police and fire alarm signalling system of the___.Q~.!-~_______h' and (2) in each
underground conduit owned and used by the Company hereunder and during its ownership and use thereof, one
duct for the cables of the police and fire alarm signalling system of the Q_~_~__________; provided, however, that no
use shall be made by the_____C.itY-n_____of said space on such poles or of said duct which will result in interfering
with or impairing the operation or use of the Company's property or service, or which will endanger, damage or
injure the person or prope,rty of the public or employees of the Company or____g_!_~I.n_n_'
e SECTION 4. The Company shall indemnify thcC_itY-_______n_against, and assume all liabilities for, damages
which may arise or accrue to the____Cij,y________for any injury to persons or property from the doing of any work
herein authorized, or the neglect of the Company or any of its employees to comply with any ordinance regulating
the use of the streets of the ___CitY-_______, and the acceptance by the Company of this ordinance shall be an agree-
ment by it to pay to thc__-9_!_g________any sum of money for which thc___2~!-l_______may become liable from or by
rcason of such injury.
SECTION 5. The Company shall file with the____Q!~l________nClerk of the___9_~:!iY___________jts acceptance of this
ordinance within sixty days from the date when it shall take effect.
SECTION 6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as a surrender by the-City:_________uof its right or
power to pass ordinances regulating the use of its streets.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and effect for a term of thirty (30) years from and after its
passage, and the___Ci.:I:.y_________hereby reserves the right and requires the said Company, as a condition precedent to
the taking effect of this grant, to give and grant to the__Q~~_______n_ oL______ng_~_~~~_____n__________________, Florida, the
right, at and after the expiration of such term, to purchase the telephone and telegraph plant or other property in
said___9J,!-.Y_________used under or in connection with this grant, or such part of such property as the municipality
may desire to purchase at a valuation of the property, real and personal, desired, which valuation shall be fixed by
arbitration, as may be provided by law; and the accept!lWe pf this ordinam;e shall qp.erate as a grant by the said
...............'.....,"-,.........,., . City .. t~ l.~t und<?fi1't~O<tJ 't11a t t his contract
-Company to -thc__~________________of Said nght to purchase. .. n e xc s ve .
- ..... ~.
- - - I, _______~_.....1I~~.li.___1YJJ_RS_T_....---tll~-~-------------------J ____Q1rn.________Clerk, hereby certify that the above is a true
- "- /, ' .
- and_co~ect cap~of\@ ordinance passed at a meeting of t~-~~!-!--~~-~~-~--------------------of tl!e___C_it.Y.___________of
, _ ~-:~=~~~j::-:---------. Flocid,. hold on 'h,__~~~=~~~~~~~l~~~:~~--- (~~'S
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e ---- -.............. - _______w___________Clerk
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