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10-03-1939 SS
... E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. I' i~ I <!titl! of OO,ntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILME~ C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a SPEVIAL MEating of the City uounci1 held Octobar and 1939. Meeting called to order at 7=30 P. M. All members presnet except Mr. ~indham, W~yor and Olerk present. ~aeting was called for the purpos~ of of adopting a resolution lto correct the millage levies for the years 1938 and 1939 respectively. th& resolution was read and adopted upon a motion of Mr. GravGs and sQcond by Mr. Kerr. voted and carried. .e Being no further business Cou.ncil aijjorned at 8=00 P. M. Attest= ~ pftp Clerk. ~~ Coo irrnan. e \.. .... ,. ~ .'i~' '~~~ .:.-.t' "" "'-"-?:..~ ~$ ;-'~"~'V' '.-" ,,~, " fI- ~ ' . . ''1 ,~ ... .~.{: ..,;.,..........,~l~~.... ~ ~ -< ... .'~,'. =~ ,'~;, :: <'::,; ~:~ :." . "7r1 .r'" '.. .'.. .. ~.~ '.' '!\~...." -';;;:J~'" '~,' ',.' " (., 1IW4t IC'.,' ,; t '. '; t' }.~',,", ,'; ... 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" '~'" .,.;".. ~ ,,- . ""OoOo,.'~ " -'i.." ';'. ,.":', . '.. ~; ,:"'-o,~ Jart 11e:,'tn the, ~,?ptt".'\ih~t ,o'Q.~,'oe a.bl,"s"to.,o'btai. tq.vor.. t:"~<"l" '\Oo"~ ,. : ,c. ''o:''Oo ' (; "'," ;>' i "'. able .oo''nalderat101\. ot the' c\laaQW!lte t\;, alJQ.e ou 1;~1ne d.' ~, .r. "': ~~ -r lit 'i:l' ~,' oj" t ~,), '.:1-" ",>t"" .~"l ~ _ ~.., ~~; Joy,.I:ve''''l:t~Y ...., " ., J ". 0'....-; :.~. "'\1-" 't"- ,:ti ,/' ... '~"{:.r.:" ~I'J, ..Q bOoEJ;~ ,')LO~ 1DA. :'''-,;i -, .'- .1 .. t, ~"-: ""~.. .~: ~ ,.\ ." .. '\ ~ ~'f.I~-..~. '''*' l~ ,"; ~ ~~ ~, '?: " 1! ~-~ ~ '. l'l. ~ ~' ~ i~ ~'-..~ i-A ...", " ;.t1 1'of~ '~t:,- "";IIi ~ ,if. (~ ~-~ ""-~. '!: '" J- " ; "" !'I ., 't>:/:r /1 '~ jj:' ,~ -), _; '41 ..:of I .~ :~., n~ .,(' ~ .~ .~~ ",1 .~ ',~ ;;(i " .. , ~ "J, ".;, r: ,. t' >. Oo~ ~,t j ,~ ~, .,.. ,:' , .' , !~ ~ .~i ~ tl "1, ;:..kt: ",. ..~] :i-l- .....~ ';~ ~ .Iot ~ f~ ',.:, " .' ': " " .~ ,'f l ~ o.,,,,\o!- . ..;: )~~;;.-;;;'~K-; Ii -J :I";"'~,_,~~ -r'" ,.. '1~~ . " '~\:;.-": ,. . ';~ ".j. ..,.~ =:.;~~7~J' # ~l ~\~, ~ ~~~ ~ .. ""."~~ '. ' ;lrf'lr': J9~ ~. .' ~.: ~ ~ ~~ i"., ,.: ~ ~ ., .~ ... . ,,~ ~. ~ " " " .. ').,/ '-:.c: . L. .u., -'ll1&btllP ,'..j )~~. ~,,- .~.. ). . -:, -~,;}. .' .~..-." ,~"" _.f ' ,;...'~ , "'Oo .,' ~Oo' , : 1.:' ,'J j,.' . ", ,,"'.. ~' ',' --" .~ ,. ~t..~ .t'.:~ ~ ~ ",.$'13' i} " ''l.,. ,'"- i';,. ;- '.1 1 " .;. '. ~, '\..~.. ,-..,~. .":t. ~ ~4..~~:' . " ~' !; .. 1J.: '. .' 'r :c . :, " "'"!.( 1': \ J~ ~ " ~, \, "~iO'~ 'j ~' ',)' iIf ~~ .... i' 'l; " . '.. ....~1I " ~, ... ::t i.l I: I., -~f, .j '.. " , .;" ';1 :<1, ,.. "". I.. ,.-;'J ~: !{ . \"" '~;J':.,~ .^ .( ~ ;::Jo ':s< ":"}<'~'~); I' ~r'.. l: i ::" " ," ;" . t: ~ f" r: p# ~ tl." i';~' ~ '.;;1 " .~' riP ., ~'~ '.~ /0. ,...1i! ~ '\ '. ill \ ~ ."';; ~. .. ~'. .:J ,. I,:: ;'-<<\ '. ". "'J' ' "l,i, f' - " ,. ~. r-a;r .e ,'\1 .~'" ~: ~:.-; j;: 'i " "\ ,; t .. ~, . .. , ;:; .'tj ~ '!' ,.... .. ~.....i~ , .Al!f .., ~, ". ~. ~~':/- . ,,-'-' to -;""'1 -,it ..i<-~ "*\ i,.. .. III ~. '", " ,~'I, .}ti 'i. Si't~ f,. 'JI':':I,' ~:" ~""Oo oi, Oo'" " ",Ll ~".. 'K~' . ''''", ~ '~*r' ~\ T".I,:~ ''''"_. " "~ 0111 'II.' ').,." ,.~. ""o.,'\;:SIoI: -;; ~ 't~ ""--'l.~.,.,;~ .l;, '; -fJ:, +z, ~'"i: . .. - .: ~ \I ;Z~ f'it J ~_ 5i'/: ~ r ME!! ~ , -. ~j't' :ji"~ .;;~~ '!..;., 1- ~.., .. ....-.~ ": T:' .~ " J ~ ~ ~ .f :!: 1 .-'" ~<jl , A ^. y ,< ." .,' "~'Oo ~,t 'i. <! '~ .J1 p I! '" #.l '''"'' .I.''f!f:. T: .~ u .. .. . - ~," ,0", . i'o. ?r., . ~" ., 'I';;;" , I ..... + i ":rUT st ; ~ Your totals ,"lore correct from the figure I have filed in the l\esolution. The mistake occured. in tho fact that I had. originallY charged the City the Slun charged by the other city attorneys in the railroad. station caseS. T~~~Charges were-from '350.00 to v500.00 and then~t thier stations. .dowever und.er the circurnstances,since the citizens who 0.180 hired mo to f~~ht tho cuse reni6Be~ tho sum of ,,-- 'li85.OO will be 0.11 right. That station agent would have been fired if Ocooc had lost the st ation ~d he 'would have lost his pen8ion. For t hat reason he said he would :DDY me and I Guess now ~ th<1t the case is won and he saved his job 8.no pension, he o'V.es me nothing. That is l)o.rt of the eame hO\'i'G~er. Thanks for cDlling the error to my attnntion. ~~' '~ ~cX~ IVt r-a'w; ~ ' '