HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-13-1939 SS - ~ e E. A. MURRAY MAYOR ",----,,' ... W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA8. a.... ~,.. ... <!Lit1! of OOtntt. .~ ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS, CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR e Minutes of a SPECIAL meeting of the City Council heldLoctober 13th 1939.( Me~ting called to order at 7:300 P. M. All membQrs present, 1myor and Cl~rk present. f1Iaoting was oall~d for the purpose of adopting and signing three r ordinances to carry out the final order of Octobor 6th 1939 set \ up as fo llows: ./ . . ~ 1. An ordinance ratifying, oonfirm~ng and rev~s~ng the tax t~ levies of the City of Ocoee for the years 1926 to 1937, both Inc. 2. An Ordinance amending a resoulution of th~ City Council of the City of Oooee, under date of December 29th 1938, relative to the tax levies of the 0ity of Ocoee for the year 1938. 3. An Ordi nance levying taxas of the 0i ty 0 f Oooee for thQ year 1939. Iupon motion made by Mr. Graves and second Mr. Ford. the above OrdinaDce" ~ be adoptded. Voted and carried. , . " Ivlr. Itindham moved and socond Mr. l!ord to 'pay Mr. Murray ~;3.00 for trip to Orlando for purposo finding out about tba papers that was served on all officials. vita d and carried. Upon motion the Uounci1 adjorned. Attest: r: ~~ p Clerk. . ~~ ChairImD. .' " "I '.