HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Levying Taxes for 1939 e ........ e . ..... AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE YEAR 1939 e ~. heretofore and under date of Septem- ber 29, 1930, The Brown-Crummer Investment Company ob- tained a final. judgment against the City of Ocoee in the sum of $lZ,812.52, together with oosts in the sum of $20.00, in a oause styled The Brown-Crummer Investment Company vs. City of Ocoee, 1n the United States District Court for the Southern Distriot of Florida, No. 2475-T- C1 viI,; and e WBEREAS, a mandamus proceeding was instituted to enforce the said judgment and resulted in the issuanoe of a peremptory writ of mandamus under date of January 19, 1932, in a oause styled United States of Amerioa, ex rel., The Brown-Crummer Investment Company vs. City of Oooee, et al., in the United States Distriot Court for the Southern District of Florida, No. 2794-T-Civil, wherein and whereby the City of Oooee, and its offioials, were peremp- torily oommanded to levy a tax of seven (7) mills on the taxable property of said City of Oooee, as the boundaries of said City of Oooee were fixed by Chapter 10,951, La~ of Florida, Acts of 1925, for the fisoal year 1931-1932, and to levy on said property an additional tax of seven (7) mills per year for eaoh and every year thereafter until the proceeds thereof would-prOduce a sum sufficient to pay the said judgment and interest that should acorue thereon; and e e "'--' e e~ . - ,... - WErnREAS, heretofore and under date of April , - 11, 19~8, W. J. Meredith, L. F. Rodgers and James G. Martin obtained a final judgment against the City of Oooee, in the sum of $107,256.01, together ~ith costs in the sum of $19.40, in a cause styled W. J. Meredith, L. F. Rodgers and James G. Martin vs. City of Ocoee, in the United States District Court for the Southern Distriot of Florida, No. 207-0rlando-Civilj and e WErnREAS, under date of Ootober 6, 19~9, a final order was entered in the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, relative to complianoe with peramptory writs theretofore issued by said Court in the cases of United States of Amerioa, ex reI., The Brown~Crummer Investment Company vs. City of Ocoee, et al., #2794-T-Civil, and United States of Amerlca~ ex reI., W. J. Meredith,'L. F; Rodgers and James G. Martin vs. City of Oooee, et al., #207-0rlando-Civil, and WErnREAS, said final order requires the action herein taken relative to the tax levies of the City of Ocoee for the year 19~9, e NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF OCOEE, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a tax of three (3) mills for the year 19~9 is hereby levied, imposed and assessed upon eaoh e - 2 - e ~ e '-'"" .. -- One Dollar ($1.00) of all taxable real and personal property lying and being within the corporate limits of said City of Ocoee, for operating purposes or the said City of Ocoee. e Section 2. That pursuant to and in conformity with the final order entered under date of October 6th, 1939, relative to compliance with peremptory writs there- tofore issued in the District Court of the United States, . Southern District of Florida, in the cases of United States of America, ex reI., The Brown~Crummer Investment CQmpany vs. City of Ocoee, et al., #2794-T-vivil, and United States of America, ex reI., W. d. Meredith, 'L. F. Rodgers and dames G. Martin vs. City of Ocoee, et al., #207-0rlando-Civil, , . a special tax of nineteen (19) mills for the year 1939 is hereby levied, imposed and assessed upon each One Dollar ($1.00) of all taxable real and personal property subject to taxation for said purpose by the City of Ocoee, that is to say, all properties, inCluding homesteads, within the said City of Oooee as the boundaries of said City of Ocoee were fixed by Chapter 10,951, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1925. e Section 3. That the said speoial tax of nineteen (19) mills and all proceedS of said special tax are hereby f appropriated, allocated and "ear-marked" SOlely for the spe- w oific purpose of complying with the said order of the District Court of the United States, Southern District of Florida, dated October 6, 1939, as aforesaid, in the following manner, e to-wi t: ~:3 - e ";, e ----.,; e... . -!' e Said prooeeds shall be applied first to the payment of the remaining balanoe due upon the said judgment of The Brown-Crummer Investment Company, together with oosts, and the interest thereon, until the same shall have been paid in full; and thereafter the said proceeds shall be applied~o the payment of the said judgment of W. J. Meredith, L. F. Rodgers and James G. Martin until the said judgment, together with costs, and the interest thereon, shall have been paid in full; "costs" being hereby in- , , tended to mean costs of the action resulting in the judgment and costs in the mandamus pro- ceedings to ~nforce the same. Section 4. That all ordinances, resolutions and other actions heretofore taken b:v t'he City Council of the City of Ocoee, in conf~ict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed, in so far as they are in conflict with the provisions hereof. e Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect innnediately. The unders~gned President of the City Council of the City of Ocoee and the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Ocoee do hereby certify that the above and e - 4 - e e e~. " ~" J. _tit/' foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by ~e C1 ty Council of the C_ of Ocoee, on the /1 ~day of p~ ' - <~''''. , A. D. 1939. Pres~~Cil of the City of Ocbee. I e ....- A.ttest: ....... ~~4' .J' CityC1erk of the City of Oeoee. , ::- -... -~. ,,-' I.~ Approved this ,#" -= day of ,,t?~ , A. D. 1939. ~.~~. ayor of the City of 0 ~ e e